Choosing not to get married

Q: I am young. I am physically and sexually fit. I do my hard exercises on a daily basis. I have a job and I earn (halaal). I try to give most of my time in worship. Now, the matter is that I don't want to marry, I just want to live my life as single till death. What should I do?

Can a girl become baaligh at the age of 8?


1. Was I baligh at the age of 8? Since I was 8, everytime I got in the shower I would throw water pressure “down there” until my body shook and was satisfied (I believe this was an orgasm, and I may have emitted maniy but I really don't recall). I read that mani is supposed to be thin and yellow, but I have only ever secreted white or clear discharge, so it was most likely mazi. After that, I would take my full shower without the intention of ghusl. I only started praying and fasting regularly at the age of 11, when I got my first period. Now, 18, I just learned that a woman is deemed to have reached puberty when one of four things happens:

1 – When she reaches the age of fifteen.

2 – When her pubic hair grows.

3 – When she emits mani (fluid released at climax).

4 – When she starts to menstruate.

Second Question: Does this mean I was baligh at the age of 8? Do I have to make up for 3 years of prayers and fasts that I did not do before the age of 11?  I continued this habit in my teen years, after my period at the age of 11 when I was surely baligh.

Third Question: My parents never had "the talk" with me and I did not know until recently what masturbation is, the fact that it is haraam, and that ghusl was mandatory after that. So I would perform the habit then take my full shower without the intention of ghusl. Does this mean I have been praying in the state of janaabat and have to make up for 7 years of prayers and fasts? 

Returning one's dowry after getting married

Q: Alhamdulillah, twelve years back, I got married. At the time of marriage my intention was not to take any jahez (dowry) but one of my parents asked for basic materials like bed, furniture, house hold items (not big items). My intention is now to return the amount spent on those items to my father-in-law. 

My question is: Can I give my father-in-law the suitable amount? Shall I ask my parents about this? Or is it not required because the above items will be the milkiyat (owner) of my wife?

Making fun of a person who has an uneven beard

Q: I recently started growing my beard. Due to that, its uneven with one side of hair being longer than the other side. My wife pointed this out and said why I have this ponytail on one side only like Samri wizard. I told her not to make fun of sunnah, to which she replied she was just pointing to my over grown hair on one side not the sunnah of beard.

My question is are these kufr statement and do I renew my nikah?

Making the intention of Zuhr salaah when performing Asr salaah


1. I was praying behind the imaam. The imaam was praying asar salaah and I made intention of zohar salaah and I know that it was asar after the prayer. Is my prayer valid or do I have to redo my asar salah?

2. If I am praying alone or with the imam and it is asar time and I make intention of zohar forgetfully and after one rakaah I realize that it is asar, do I have to redo my prayer?

3. What if it was just at the begninng i.e I am doing recitation before fatiha and I realize that it is asar, do I have to redo my niyyah and start over?

Telling one's wife, "get out, get lost" etc.


1. Sometimes my wife comes to me and asks me about doing something. I reply to her "jo dil chahe karo", Is say it sometimes to show my anger, and sometimes just to tell her that she can do it or not. I never used the word "free" or "azad" or "farigh" and never intended divorce. Additionally, we both originate from same city and same neighborhoods, and we both don't understand "jo dil chahe karo" is not considered exclusive term for divorce.

2. During a fight I used the words such as dafa hojao "get lost", "buy ticket and leave", "get out" etc. and never once intended divorce.

A two faced person

Q: What is this signification:

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “A person who is two faced cannot be trustworthy.” (Musnad Ahmad, vol. 2 pg. 289 and pg. 365, Al Adabul Mufrad, Hadith: 313. Also see: Fathul Bari, Hadith: 6058)