Grandchildren inheriting

Q: My mother passed away during my maternal grandmother's lifetime. My grandmother passed away 1 year ago. She is survived by 2 sons and 1 daughter. She owned some agricultural land (my maternal grandfather bought it during his lifetime and did not leave any will). Do we, as her grandchildren, get any share in property?

Wazifa for shifa

Q: My mother is suffering from end stage renal disease (kidney failure). She is 58 years old. Doctors dont want to start dialysis as they said that there is a chance the kidney will start little work. Please give any dua for kidney improvement?

Spending time with one's family while studying

Q: Seeking knowledge vs time with family.

I have two semesters left of a 4 year Arabic and Islamic studies program and I am also a 4th year student of the alim course program. I am in my early 30’s married and kids and also full time job. I have been a seeker of knowledge for a few years now and have completed certain ijazas in the past and now attempting to complete the Alim course InshaAllah.

My wife has always supported me, but sometimes I see (feel) that she might be somewhat fed up with me also being busy. I spend a significant amount of time in books research and still with a full time job, also assist a local masjid that is without an imam at times.

I do believe spending valuable time with my family, but I also am fully aware that between continuous studies and full time work (which is needed to support my family) my available time is always at minimal.

Lately a thought has creeped into my head that I should stop my studies and focus on family. Im not unsure if these are whispers of the shaytan or just me being over whelmed. I am thankful for the achievements Allâh swt has allowed for me but on the other hand I feel guilty because the majority of my time is being filtered elsewhere. This is just me venting and asking for advice.

How do I balance? Am I doing too much ?

Breaking up a marriage

Q: If you see the signs of the curse of Allah Ta'ala on someone where they are unable to make duaa and you know he isn't a good person but hides it and pretends, what do the teachings say in breaking up his marriage and removing the wife from this ordeal?