Woman forcing a man to marry her

Q: A man and a woman were having an affair about 3 years back. They later got separated because the man was already married and he refused to marry her. Now, almost one year after their separation, the parents of that woman were pressurizing her to get married somewhere else. She started insisting that she wants that man to marry her. When he said no, she threatened him that she would commit suicide or accuse him of rape (which is very conveniently possible in my country) or defame him if he did not marry her.

To avoid this situation this man contacted a local imam and asked him to perform his "dummy" marriage with that woman so that she may be convinced. They both went to the masjid and got married accordingly. They got a nikahnama on which both of them had signed but the man did not signed correctly as he did not want to marry her. Mehr was mentioned in the nikahnama but was never given. No Quranic aayaat or kalimah were read and no process as mentioned in the Quran was followed. The witnesses and audience signed but they were paid for to sign. 

Also, the date mentioned on the nikahnama was manipulated to show that they got married way back in 2016. The woman was not able to guess that it was not a true marriage as she has embraced Islam for this marriage and is new in Islam. The date was manipulated on her saying only to justify the haraam acts done by them in the past.

Now the parents of the woman came to know about this marriage and things went out of control. The woman is still in her parent's house. No one from either side wants them to stay married and even the man does not want her as his wife.

1. Is their marriage valid or null and void?

2. If their marriage is valid, and the parents of the woman and the man did not want to remain in that marriage, is the man required to divorce the woman?

3. What about mehr?

Legal divorce after talaaq


1. If a husband, with an intention to divorce his wife, says to his wife that "I divorce you" and after that they did not have any sort of communication or any physical relationship upto three months, will it be considered as a legal divorce or the husband is again required to divorce her ?

2. Also, please tell me whether it is necessary to give a written talaqnama to the wife and if yes, who all should sign the talaqnama and is it necessary that the wife should also sign the talaqnama?

Writing fiction

Q: I am a 3rd year MBBS student and I really like reading fiction stories and sometimes I write fiction. I find it useful as it helps me improve my English. Reading stories is my hobby and I like it very much.

Is it haram to write fiction/madeup stories? Is it haram to write stories at all? 

Repeatedly committing shirk and kufr


1. Does Allah forgive a person who commits shirk and kufr repeatedly? Basically he committed shirk and kufr the first-time, then he realised that he made a mistake so he repented and promised Allah that he wouldn't do it again but unfortunately he broke the promise many times by committing shirk and kufr.

2. What advise would you give to someone to stop falling into shirk and kufr sins?

Appointing a dishonest person as an imaam for Taraweeh Salaah

Q: This Ramadhaan, Alhamdulillah we have had many Hufaadh leading us in Taraweeh Salaah all over the world. Some with great Qiraat and beautiful recitations.

However in a masjid that we were praying at, a Hafidh was leading us in taraweeh salaah. The said Hafidh is a businessman, but a known exploiter of his employees and also has dishonesty in his dealings. Is our Salaah behind him counted or should we reperform our Salaah.

What advice can we give to trustees of the Masjid regarding this?

Accepting a gift from the father of a thief

Q: An antique was gifted to us by the father of a friend who later was revealed to be a crook. He cheated us out of business and various mechanisms. We were unaware at the time he was an employee. This antique was gifted to us by the father of the crook who does not have good relations with his son who has gone astray. It is fully certified and carries the paperwork of authentication at Ministry of Tourism level. Hence our confusion and 2 scenarios:

1. Is it permissible to sell this antique and use the money for ourselves, since it was from the father and not from the son? Is it jaiz to assume a father might be like his son, the warning of making lawful things prohibited as in Surah Tahrim comes to mind. As well as the warning of acting on unfound suspicion as in Surah Hujarat. The father could be completely innocent.

2. If it is not permissible to use the money from the sale of the antique out of suspicion and caution, its not pure enough for sadqah either. Can it be used to pay off debts incurred by the scheming of this ex-employee? Kindly advise what to do with the money once the antique is sold. How may it be spent?

Doing personal work during work hours

Q: I want to ask question about the personal work on job timings.

I have been working in a university as a software developer. During the job timing I'm working on my own work. Because the total university work that I got takes me only 2-3 days. The rest of the month I am free.

Can you please tell me the work that I have done during my job timing is haraam or halaal?