Finding blood on one's clothing after slicing meat

Q: I work as a blockman in a butcher. Due to the work environment I always get blood on my clothes. If I see it, I rinse it before I read salaah. Sometimes I only see some blood spots after I had read my salaah.

1. If I see blood stains (from meat carcass) on my clothes after performing salaah, is my salaah accepted or should I repeat the salaah?

2. Is blood from the carcass paak or napaak?

3. Do I have to wash or change my clothes before performing salaah if it has blood stains on it?

Husband using the word "divorced"

Q: A few days back I was sitting with my kids and husband. He said to me that it's your mistake that you didn't give the kid anything to eat. I replied, "as you have already diagnosed it to be a mistake then i'll not explain". He said,"diagnosed, divorced." I said what did you say. He repeated again divorced. I asked what do you mean. He said you said diagnosed. I said divorced, anthing else. According to him he just spoke a metaphor similar to the word diagnosed. He didn't mean to divorce me. Kindly guide me whats the status of my marital status now?

Woman beatifying herself before visiting the Mubaarak grave of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Q: Recently a woman told us that when you go for hajj and go to Madina Munawwarah to visit the grave of the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), a woman should wear new green clothes, perfume, bangles, henna and apply red colored pigment (called gandasa) on her lips. Is it all true or bidah?

Also, is it necessary to make new clothes or wearing white clothes for hajj for a woman?

Keeping security dogs

Q: I would like to buy and keep a dog to start a mobile security dog service business. I would be keeping the dog to patrol empty businesses and warehouses. I will be keeping the dog outside in the small garden in a kennel at home. Is this allowed in Islam? Will I be able to pray in a mosque with the clothes I wear when I’m going to work and using the dog and at home. 

Financing one's father's second wife

Q: My father has married our old housemaid secretly two years ago. We have recently found this out.

I have been financing his house and my own house for the last eight years. I have two disabled sisters and my mother in his household while I have my own daughter and husband in my household. I have been bearing the expenses of both the houses because my father told me he is saving money for our future. He has now spent all his savings on his second wife while I continue to finance his house as I have been doing. He does not pay a single dirham to my mother or myself for anything and his demands increase every day. He is also very verbally abusive.

My three day old son died and he made my pregnancy very stressful by his constant fighting and he fought very badly with me a week after my son died. He tells me that taking care of my sisters and himself is my Islamic duty and that he has finished fulfilling his Islamic duty before he got a second wife.

He is now only financing his second wife while he continues to stay with us. He is also selling the property that I thought I would inherit one day and he insists I have no right on that property as well. He is building a house for his second wife in her name.

Please advise me, from an Islamic point of view, what is my duty in this situation? Is what I am doing my Islamic duty? Will I punished in the afterlife for withdrawing financial support for my disabled sisters and mother? How am I supposed to deal with my father's behaviour in the view of Islam? 

Breaking a vow

Q: One year ago I was caught up in a situation where I feared for my life. I kept lying about something to my perpetrators and then they asked me to keep my right hand on the Quran and make a vow. I vowed to tell the truth but again lied to them. I have repented to Allah for this wrong vow and I want to know how can I correct this.

Marrying a Qaadiyani

Q: I am a Sunni sect lady in her mid forties and had been married to an Ahmaddiyay Sect man in his late fifties. I have a son of 7 years out of the wedlock. My parents were not aware of my husband's sect whereas I was told two days before the marriage, but was ignorant of the difference in the sect. So taking the liberal side, I went ahead with it.

My husband does not earn at all, infact, he sits back home and I run around for supporting the house and making ends meet. He has never invested a single Rupee, either on my son nor on myself and to top all, he abuses me mentally by taunting and passing negative remarks on my deceased parents and siblings, as well as been physical too.

Two days back he had not only slapped and tried to strangulate me but also hit me on my head and I had to be rushed to the hospital for a bleeding cut and my son witnessed all this and was terrified. For the first time after 10 years of marriage I had disclosed about my husband's sect with my youngest brother who is in his late thirties and quite influential on Islamic clauses and he wants me to break the nikkah as its not lawful especially in the light of the Ahmaddiya fact.

I had earlier several times tried to disclose with my parents but did not gain confidence to share the same and both of them are no longer with us. Please tell me where do I stand?