Divorce of a bipolar person

Q: My husband suffers from a serious mental illness. He has a bipolar disorder which means that he goes into both manic and depressive episodes. He was diagnosed by a psychiatrist in Decembwr 2018 and is on medication for it.

We have been married for 6 and a half years, and we have 3 young children together. Our marriage was very good alhamdullilah until about a year ago when signs of his illness began.

When he is manic, he has lots of rage, he has no impulse control and behaves in a way completely out of character. He says strange things and treats everyone very badly. He can hallucinate and become paranoid. His condition has been getting worse.

A few nights ago, we had a big fight because he was saying terrible things to me by text and I was very upset. All of a sudden he said he will divorce me, if not tonight then he will do it tomorrow. He has never said anything bout divorce before. I was so upset I drove straight to his parent's house where he was and I went to him and said 'you want to divorce me? then ok, do it'! At the time he was sitting with his brother who said that he was saying strange things to him before I arrived which did not make any sense and he had been trying to calm him down. His family pulled me from the room before he could respond to me, but he went into a rage and ran in the room to me and then he said talaq 3 times. He was highly agitated, screaming at everyone and swearing at me going crazy saying things he has never said before. He went crazy at all his family and continued to act manic and agitated. This was at his parent's home in front of his family. I left the house.

Since then, in the last few days his behaviour and psychosis got so much worse he was having delusions and going completely crazy to the point he was taken by police and has now been locked in a mental health facility. They found out that he had stopped taking his medication about a week ago because he believed it was killing him, and also that his medicine dosage has been massively insufficient so they immediately doubled it. He has now gone into a depressive state and is crying constantly and talking about self harm.

Now I need to know if our divorce is valid or not. He was very obviously not in his right mind when he said it, he was enraged, off his medication and having an extremely paychotic manic episode at the time. He also previously never expressed any desire for divorce, but if it was a valid divorce then I need to know.

Spending from one's personal wealth on the poor

Q: We are 3 brothers. My parents are our employed. We are in joint family. I am also employed and married and have 2 children. My other brothers are in a business and one of them is married. I am a kind hearted man and spend my money to look after the poor.

I want to know whether the money I earn is mine or my parents? Do I have a right to spend for the sake of Allah without my parents will? As they are self-employed. 

Taking a false oath

Q: On the demand of my mother in law, I had to give 10 tolas of gold before marriage but I arranged for 7 tola and for rest, I was not financially strong so I made artificial gold bangles so that our marriage should not be affected. At that time I thought of making real gold when I will be able to make it.

Now our marriage has been done and its been 5 months and now her mother got to know that the bangles are artifical. So can I take false oath to save our marriage? Or what should I do? 

Paying profits of an investment in the same currency that one is doing business


1. If someone trading in jewellary, takes gold from someone as an investment into his business, does he have to return it in the form of gold or he has the option to return it as either gold or cash?

2. What if the initial deal was to return in the form of gold?

3. The price of gold has tremendously increased and he will return a huge amount (the gold he took as an investment does not exist anymore), so he either will pay the investors cash or gold, is this extra amount interest?

4. The investors gave him gold with a condition of getting a monthly profit, but in fact they were getting a monthly fixed amount regardless of the profit or loss. Is this fixed monthly payment interest?

5. Is it fine to take the orders to make jewellery and take some cash initially and at the time of delivery receive the rest or the whole deal should take place in one session?

6. What if the customer does not pay at the time he receives the jewellery and pays later, is it permissible?

Committing sins when feeling depressed

Q: Frequently I go into a depression whenever someone unjustifiably disgraces me or is unjust towards me. In such depressive states I often don't perform Salaah and start playing video games and watching YouTube movies. It is obviously very evil and haraam but I don't feel like making any Deeni effort at all. I will even make Wudhu but delay Salaah until the time expires.

I often feel: 'Why should I not attend a haraam function if my parents are just going to scream and be angry with me'; 'Why should I decline jobs if senior honoured 'Ulama are all themselves comfortable and participants of haraam images and banks' ; 'Why should I be careful about na-mahrams when every single Aalim in the family without exception lives and interferes freely with maids and na-mahram relatives,' etc. Please advise me.