Taking out a student loan

Q: I am trying my best not to apply for a student loan but keeping up with my payments has become so difficult and it has come to a point where sometimes we don’t have food to eat because a big chunk is going out for university payments. I need to finish my degree for my kids future.

Can I take out a student loan involving interest but pay it back ASAP? Please advice as our situation is taking a toll on my health.

Second wife wants husband to divorce the first wife

Q: I started loving a lady in 2009. Thereafter I proposed to her and she said that her family did not allow her to get married.

In short, I got married to someone else in 2013 December and went for umra after 4 days. When I came back on 01 January 2014, the lady I loved before I got married was crying and telling me that I ruined her life. So I decided to marry her on 06 January 2014.

Her father, mother and family were not aware and we were having husband wife relations but we were not living together. She was living in her own home and I was in my own home with first wife.

In the meanwhile, this second wife which started forcing me to divorce my first wife but I kept on delaying it.

Now I have 3 children and she is still forcing me to divorce my first wife. She is fighting with me day and night and also insulting me in front of people by abusing me etc.

I am stuck in a situation as I love my first wife and we have 3 children together. What should I do? 

Is green discharge considered haidh?

Q: A year or so after I became baaligh, I stopped getting regular periods. I wouldn't know when I would get my period next. From 2015 mid year (this is my discretion) onwards I started having green discharge but didn't know that it should be counted as haiz.

So now all the dates are a blunder as my real period was very few times a year. For the last 5-6 months I am doing ghusl almost regularly. I had pills for green discharge but I am not getting 15 days of tuhr, and for the past 5 months I am taking tablets for my periods too. Because of the tablets I bleed for 4 days every month now. During these days I continue praying because I keep getting green discharge.

Can I consider this as my haiz and the rest as tuhr (though I will be getting green discharge)?

Making sajdah-e-sahw after salaah

Q: Is it right to perform sajda-e-sahw if someone forgets to make it within salaah? When I remember, without reciting anything else, I just to sit down and recite attahiyyaat upto (abduhu warasuluh) then one salam on the right side then two sajdahs of sahw and then attahiyyaat, durood and dua and then 2 salaam.