Masturbating while fasting


1. When i was a young unmarried girl, I used to masturbate reaching orgasm using water on my clitoris. At that time I did not know that ghusal had to be taken and usually just had a normal bath (not fulfilling the fardh of ghusul). What is the condition of all my fast and salaah for those years?

2 When I got married, I remember my husband made me reach orgasm through clitoral stimulation while I was fasting in the month of Ramadaan. I was immature and naive and unfortunately not aware of the mas'ala. Years have passed but it keeps troubling me as to what is the conditon of all my salaah and my Ramadaan fast. Please advise

Divorcing one's wife due to being unable to satisfy her

Q: I am a 33 year old married man. I am really confused regarding my problem. I love my wife but I am not able to please her and give her a happy life.

Its been 3 years since our marriage. She was married to me with a lot of expectations to have a beautiful married life. After many treatments, my problem is still not solved. I am not able to satisfy my wife sexualy. I have premature ejaculation.

Moreover I have nil sperm count due to that she is not getting pregnant. The doctor said that I dont have the ability to make a woman pregnant. We can only try IVF.

We tried to perform by giving her oral pleasure and forplay and after she finish, I thurst. Its always makes our relationship more complicated.

I want to make her happy but if I am still like this she would never be. I feel that it would be better to divorce her so that inshallah she can get married to another man and have a better life.

Should I divorce her or should we keep living with the same issues?

Touching one's sister with lust

Q: If someone touched his own married or unmarried sister with lust, will this nullify his sister's marriage?

If she is unmarried at that time (when the incident happened), will her marriage be valid in future? What is the ruling if she is married at that time (when the incident happened), will this nullify her marriage?

Mother telling the son to never remarry

Q: If a man got married and his mum told him that he must not marry again and he's been through hell in his marriage. His mum is late now amd his kids are grown up and working. He found somebody in his life who is going through as much as him. She was an orphan and now he wants to know if he can marry this woman despite what his late mum said. He is only living in the house because of his kids. Can you advise if he can marry and be happy again?

Stressing before an interview

Q: I feel like I am in a great trouble because I have to face an interview just after 1 month. I can't remember things, I forget things. My mind is not focused at all. I am worried weather I will be able to answer the questions of the interviewer or not.

Please help me in the light of Islam. What should I do?

Land expropriation

Q: My great grandfather had an estate in Durban from which they were forcefully evicted in 1972. My father also passed away in 1972. He was survived by his two brothers of which one passed away a few years ago. My paternal grandfather, who is now late, had many brothers and sisters of which two brothers and few sisters are living.

One of my paternal grandfather’s living brothers contacted the government some years ago to ask for compensation. The government sold this land recently for about 20 million Rands. The government decided to give us a gift of plus minus six million Rands in total, but did not know how to apportion it. They looked at the surviving sons and daughters of my great grandfather. In total, there are plus minus 34 shareholders.

In our scenario, my paternal grandmother is first in line since my paternal grandfather is late. She has one living son who is my father’s brother and no daughters. The government said that the money is a gift to all the living descendants of my great grandfather, but each one’s descendants should amicably agree to apportion their shares proportionately.

In my case, my father is survived by my mother, my brother and I. So, the government is giving about R200 000 each to my paternal grandmother, my father’s living brother and R200 000 to my mother, brother and myself and the last R200 000 to my father’s late brother’s family.

Initially, my father’s brother was not happy to give us the money saying that we do not inherit. However, due to pressure from all other shareholders, he decided to also make us party to the gift. Are we entitled to accept this gift from the government?