Zakaat on savings

Q: My question is related to zakat. If a divorced women with one dependant child is not working, and has a saving for her daughter's university education, does zakat apply on that amount of savings? Is this woman, who has no support, liable to pay zakat?

Getting money from ads on one's articles

Q: I write health related article for websites and they give me money according to my articles quality, articles views and for those whose ads are visible on my articles. But sometimes there are advertisements for Shopping Sites on my articles, and sometimes there are advertisements for any entertainment ads. I want to know if the money from these article are halaal or haram because sometimes there are entertainment ads on my articles 

Executors consulting with the other heirs before making a decision

Q: My late Dad had left behind an Islamic Will. Through the process my elder brother and I had been appointed as executors of his estate.

Question: Can we (the executors) make a unilateral decision on behalf of the other heirs to ensure a fair and equitable resolution to the issues plaguing the sale of the property.

Context to the question: My dad left one property as part of his estate. Its structure is such that it is impractical to split the property relative to each heirs proportionate share. Once we have determined a value of the property (formal process) can we as the executors unilaterally make payment to the other heirs in proportion to their inheritance (Islamic share)?

Nephews inheriting in the case where there are no living sons or brothers

Q: My father has passed away few days before and I want to ask you about distribution of inheritance. My father passed away leaving behind:

- One wife

- Three daughters

- Both parents have already passed away

- He had 3 siblings and they all passed away in my father's lifetime

- 1st elder sister who already passed away left behind 1 husband and 2 daughters

- 2nd elder brother who also passed away left behind 1 wife, 1 son and 2 daughters

- 3rd younger brother who left behind 1 wife, 3 daughters and 1 son.

In this case who will inherit and in what ratio? We are confused whether the nephews will also inherit or not. Please clear that. 

Using a smartphone

Q: Is it wrong for a wife to keep a simple smartphone when she doesn't take photos or have any social media accounts such Instagram or Snapchat etc.? Also, just to have the most basic plan on that phone so she can just communicate with her family and female friends?