Marrying a girl without her father's permission

Q: I used to talk to a girl from my relatives. We decided to get married. At that time the girl lived at her grandfather’s house. I went there several times. The grandfather and the girl told me that the girl’s father gave the girl’s grandfather permission for her to get married. In 2017 nikaah was performed. Mehr was decided, witness were present, ijaab and qabool took place and the khutbah of nikaah was performed. The girls parents did not know about the nikaah.

Once nikaah was done, we meet twice and we were alone in the house. Now I want to complete the rukshati. I want to know if this nikaah is valid or not? 

Forgetting to recite sunnah qiraat in salaah


1. Before starting witr, I made an intention in my mind that I will recite the surahs which are sunnah to recite in witr. Then I said softly that I make niyyah to pray 3 rakat witr, but I did not say anything about which surah I will recite. During the prayer, I forgot to recite the sunnah surahs in the first two rakahs. Then I thought that I will do sajdah sahw, but I forgot to do that too. Is my witr valid?

2. Is sajdah sahw waajib if someone intends to recite a specific surah and then forgets to recite it?

Seeing yellowish discharge when waking up

Q: My periods are always on time and even the bleeding will be for 6 days and I will take ghusl. Due to some physical ailments my regular vaginal discharge is yellowish in colour. It is like regular vaginal discharge but instead of white it is yellowish.

My question is, as this yellowish discharge is regular and after waking up from sleep I find this yellowish discharge daily, when I am certain that I didn't have any wetdream during sleep then what should I do? Is ghusl necessary due to this yellowish discharge which is continuous during the day as well as during the night.

Note: I am certain that there was no wetdream or lust during sleep.

Clear discharge


1. Does clear discharge break your wudhu? 

2. Whilst performing my salaah I discharged a clear discharge, does this mean my salaah is broken? Does this mean that I have to break my salaah and perform a new wudhu?

3. If I find out that I discharged after I have already completed my salaah, do I have to perform my salaah again?

4. If I have been discharging a clear discharge a lot the entire day, do I have to still continously perform a new wudhu everytime?

Selling food from home

Q: My mom does a private catering business from home and sells food from our house to the customers. Recently a food organisation has contacted my mom for her to sell weekly food to them so they can serve their customers this food. Is this allowed in Islam? Because the customers of that organisation don’t know who makes the food (if the organisation makes it or someone else) My mom is saying that it doesn’t matter where the food comes from because when you go to a restaurant no customer asks who cooks the food and where it comes from?