Living close to one's parents to take care of them

Q: I was married recently. My wife wants us to live in a different place than my parents and I know it's in Islam that she has the right for a separate place. I'm more than happy to live with her in a different place. But, Islam also says that the son has the responsibility to care for his parents. I want to know how am I supposed to live with my wife in a different place and simultaneously take care of my parents.

Will the Haafiz who does not practice on Islam be allowed to intercede?

Q: I have heard in a Pakistani Islamic show that not all hafiz e Quran will be rewarded with the power of bakhshish of 10 people in their family, only those who live their life according to Islam after hifz. Those huffaz who do wrong things will be equally asked like other people and they will not have power of bakhsish of 10 people. Is this correct?

Playing video games

Q: Is it halaal for females to play (Tomb raider) game? And this kind of other video games? And is it halaal to download from sites which gives free download? Because it will not benefit original developers its not there official game selling site. So is it halaal to download from these free sites? 

Non-Muslim practising Islam

Q: By birth I was not a Muslim, but I followed Islamic rules and performed namaaz in the last four years. I wear shawl when I go to my college or outing but my friends always insult me for wearing a shawl. They tell others that I am not a Muslim but act like a Muslim. I am so hurt.

Selling the possessions of a woman who is not in the correct state of mind

Q: An old woman who is not in her correct state of mind, meaning she is unable to make proper decisions herself, now needs to move out of her home, to live with one of her children. Her own home needs to be packed up and sorted out. Is it permissible to distribute her things among the children or what is the correct way of handling her possessions?

Boycotting certain products

Q: My question is related to the usage of certain things... As in the recent days the Netherlands govt. was involved in initiating a blasphemy contest (na'aoozu-billah) that was later called off... Here in pakistan, Muslim ulama and Ahl e ilm called on ppl to boycott dutch products, so that we could defeat them on economic grounds..

Also being a Muslim nation, love for our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is higher above all thingss... There are many items, some are wholly dutch products while others here I would particularly talk about them such as milk products, many milk companies that are top ranked are in partnership with dutch (friedscampania dairy company). That company invested in our country 's milk companies, however barcodes on items is that of Pakistan... So, what should we do? Can we consume them, particularly when one cannot easily buy fresh milk, as in the hostel? But still this thing irks that Netherlands is tha investor.