
Q: If I make a close relative food and it is a plateful of food surpassing what they require, will I be sinful if they eat more than their fill? Because I feel that they would rebuke me for giving them less, but I have already explained to them about overeating. What shall I do?

Fear of harm coming to husband after speaking ill of his parents

Q: I know the sin of talking bad about ones parents is huge and one can be cursed by Allah. My husband swore his father behind his back for switching on his house alarm when he told him not to.

He also says things behind his fathers back like he gave him nothing and did nothing for him and says similar things about his mother. He never tells them that to their faces and doesnt act rude to them but his not talkative or friendly to them.

I'm just worried if he is cursed for saying such things then his my husband and I dont want to live or be married to someone who bad things will happen to. What should I do?