Uncle unjustly taking the business of his late brother

Q: My late father had a shop and suddenly he past away. We were 4 children and I was 3 at the time he passed away.

Now somehow without my mums knowledge, by taking her to a solicitors they transferred it to my uncles name. My mum doesn't know English well enough and was told she just needs to sign for something and in a way don't ask too many questions just sign it.

Now that I have grown up, my uncle had remortgaged the shop for £95,000 the value of the shop. When I bought the papers forward and told them this shop is off my mums name and why have you taken all the money out, there gave excuses like we did everything for you and we are your fathers.

After asking for the shop for the last ten years I was getting physical abuse as well as verbal. Just last year my uncle agreed to give the rent from the shop as it's on rent. He also made a letter saying all future rental wil go to my sister in law until he pays the shop off and give it back as a gift.

Now after a year I went down to collect the rent and the person who is renting the shop said your uncle came and took the rent and said not to give it to you and from now they will collect it.

Somebody approached my uncle and he is saying that my grandfather had paid for the shop for my father for that reason the shop belongs to them. What is the right thing to do?

Conveying the reward of good deeds to the deceased

Q: Recently a woman's husband had passed away and on a ladies group we are all on someone asked for those who wished to read a para or more. She used the word "khatham". To my knowledge it is bid'ah as the Qur'an is for reading, pondering, listening, learning from (amongst other things) and not for giving reward to others as there has been nothing to show Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa salaam) or his Companions did it.

Please advice if it is correct or not.

Preparing food and eating in the the state of janaabat

Q: I had ejaculation last night and don't have ghusal. I have 3 questions:

1. If I wear clean clothes, do they become impure (naapak) if my body has sweat and my clothes become wet as my body is impure (naapak).

2. If I drink or eat something without ghusl will it be haram?

3. If I prepare food and wash my clothes with water in this condition will both of these things become impure if I dont have ghusal?

Zakaat on cash

Q: My question is about nisaab of zakaat on cash only.

I do not have any thing like gold or silver but just some cash. Please tell me on how much cash will I be liable to pay zakat. Will the nisaab of gold apply as cash is an alternate to gold in banks?