Hairstyles for Muslim women

Q: I have a question regarding hairstyles of women.

1. What hairstyles does the shariah command us to make and what type of hairstyles to abstain from?

2. Is it compulsory for women to style their hair in such a way that the hair falls through the sides and the mid line of the scalp is seen?

3. Is their any punishment for not keeping the mid line of the front scalp shown?

Husband demanding wife to work

Q: My husband has recently demanded that I start working, as he feels that I need to be independent. Before, when I was working, he wanted me to stop as he felt that I was slacking in my marital duties.

Also, when I was working, he expected me to buy all the household appliances and furniture and groceries because my salary was more than his. However, since I have not been working he has still insisted that I contribute my savings to the monthly bills. He gives me a nafaqah amount that is less than half of what he wants me to spend every month. I'm at a loss as he refuses to listen to reason because in his eyes he gives me nafaqah so he's not in the wrong at all. What can I do?

Does saying "we are done" constitute talaaq?

Q: If one tells his wife we are done 2 times is the nikkah still valid? We were not discussing divorce and it was said because she was ignoring me. I said it more out of anger but i know she has a good heart.

She is a new muslim so she is still learning. However later on i found out it was because someone in her family was forcing her to do that in order to ruin our relationship. I have never said the words "I am divorcing you to her" and my intention has always been to help her understand deen. She motivated me to become a better muslim. When i got a nikkah i didn't have a beard. Now i have one and also am a student. Is our nikkah still valid?