Accepting literature of different religions

Q: I live in the west, and every now and then, some Christian or Jew knocks on the door to give out pamphlets that promote their religion or an event related to their religion. I normally refuse the pamphlet but sometimes they put it in my hand, in which case I say ok and throw it out after I close the door. The people who give this stuff to me know I am a Muslim as I wear the niqab. Does my taking the pamphlet constitute kufr? Am I obliged to refute their religion to them right then and there at the door? If I don't, is that kufr?

Taking oaths that one will become a kafir if something is done

Q: Some scholars say that if a person takes an oath saying “If I do this or do not do this, I will become a Kafir forever”. This would not necessarily result in that individual becoming a disbeliever upon the performance/non-performance of that act. The person only becomes a kafir if he or she swore the oath with the belief that he or she would adopt kufr upon its non-fulfillment. Is this true? 

Halaalah with an impotent person

Q: Me and my wife love each other, but due to some misunderstanding 3 talaq occurred between us. We did not know about three talaqs but I uttered 7 to 8 times the word talaq to her. So people said that it is 3 talaqs. We do not want to separate and we do not want to break the laws of Allah so we were told about Halalah. Some friends suggested this to us. Since one person is impotent eunuch and has sympathy for us, he would like to help us if Shariah permits.