
Q: We purchased goods from Pakistan but will sell it in Kenya. So for sadaqah, where do we give for these goods?

Selling samples

Q: I am an intern doctor. We get many samples of medicine from different pharmaceuticals companies. They gives us the sample and describe about the ingredients, benificial ratio for patient and we also can learn of newer generations of medicine which is available now in our country. The packet of samples contain only few medicines e.g.: 2/3 tablets, 1 injection, etc. Because its only a physician sample and over the packet it's written that "physician's  sample, not for sale".

Now my question is, 'Is it halal to sell this sample and use the money for myself'? Many interns sells this product at 40-50% less than the market price. If it is not halal then can I sell and give the money to an orphan child?

Doing business while working for a company

Q: I'm working as a cashier. My company says no illegal business while doing your duty. But in my location, some illegal business is going on and the company knows about it but remains silent. Maybe they are supporting this activity. Can I earn money from this source? Is it haram or what?

Note: The business we are doing is exchanging money for customers at a bank rate and we sell this currency outside then we get a profit from it

Questions on aqeeqah


1. When should we give the aqeeqa after a child is born?

2. Can we give it after a long period for some reason.

3. For whom should we give the aqeeqa?

4. Who can give aqeeqa for a child?

5. Is it a must to give aqeeqa for every child?

6. My main question is that can we give aqeeqa meat by cooking it and arranging a lunch or dinner party?

7. Can we give a aqeeqa lunch portion to a non-Muslim?

Using interest money to pay tax

Q: As per new Saudi rules, they are charging many levy, taxes, even charges of exit/entry and iqama charges. My father have 7 dependents under him which and we are paying government more than 40,000 riyal from our halal earned money. In this case, is it possible to pay them by depositing our money in fixed deposits and give them interest amount and get rid of it? 

Marrying one's first cousin

Q: I'm really worried and need advice on the matter of first cousin marriages.

1. What is the Islamic view on the matter? Should I be worried about the research online which says the chances of having a kid born with some kind of disability increases with first cousin marriages.

2. Could you please give me famous examples, specifically of first cousin marriages in Islam. Did Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) marry his first cousin? Was Ali's (radhiyallahu anhu) marriage with Fatima his first cousin?