Clarification regarding an incident of Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam) and Hazrat Haaroon (alaihis salaam)

Q: I'm clarifying a question. I was listening to a dars which was telling about a conversation between Hazrat Musa (alaihis salaam) and Hazrat Haroon (alaihis salaam). I couldn't listen to the whole dars but I heard a sentence that the narrator was saying that Musa (alaihis salaam) said to Haroon (alaihis salaam) that 'You were a better Khalifa than me, why didn't you guide people in my absence?'. Is this waqia mentioned in the Quran?

Husband lying about the value of the mahr jewellery

Q: I am in dire need of advice regarding dowry (mehr) in Islamic marriages. Jewellery of an x amount was given at the time of the nikkah as mehr. I have had doubts about the amount and when I asked my husband he refused to provide a slip, or say where it was purchased from. However upon investigation the findings are that the jewellery is worth 50 to 75% less than the price that was stipulated. Even the selling price would never have matched the price that was stipulated. What is the ruling on this? Is the nikaah still valid?

How to distribute fidyah money?

Q: When giving fidyah for a deceased person's prayers and fasts, is it necessary to use the fidyah money to feed the poor (those eligible for zakaat) or can the money be spent on the poor in other ways? For example:

a. In places where food is served to the poor, the fidyah money is spent on seating arrangements, such as providing the poor with dariyyan (دریاں).

b. Providing the needy with the money for a poor girl's marriage.

c. Just giving the money to the poor to spend it as they like.

Trying to join family ties

Q: I have a severe problem. Me and my brother have not been talking to each other for many years. But since I got to know that it is such a great sin, I want to turn back. I have asked forgiveness from him several times. I even tried starting the conversation but he never talks to me and he will never talk. I am stuck. What should I do? He is really determined not to talk to me. How can I seek Allah 's forgiveness?