Breaking one's fast due to fear of not being able to manage the fast

Q: Concerning the fast for Mondays, I went to sleep the night before intending to wake up to fast, then I woke up before sunrise and made the intention that I was not going to fast, and upon shutting my eyes I had once again changed my mind to fast thinking it is before sunrise and that I can do Sehri, however, upon checking the time I realised it was past sunrise and I was confused as to whether it counted as a fast or not, and I regarded myself as a fasting person and when another family member asked me regarding eating I verbally said I was fasting. However, I had a slight fear of not being able to maintain the fast throughout the day and therefore ate something upon making a judgement by reading some previous questions asked on a fatwa website. 

Therefore, Firstly was I counted as a fasting person in the first place?

Secondly, will making up the fast be necessary for me?

Doing Deeni work under the supervision of someone who is well grounded in Deen

Q: According to the Hadith "al Quranu hujjatun laka au alaika". If I go from place to place reminding my brothers and my self regarding Deeni tenets, will this ayat alone somehow be sufficient for my immediate salvation? Or will I be given the ability to fully act according to Deen by Barkat of this or any other ayat with steadfastness?

I am afraid you are going to answer that if I do not act on the remaining verses but stick to one Quranic verse, the bad will out weigh the good and the Quran will be proof against me.

Scalp micro pigmentation

Q: I am looking to seek a ruling on whether scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) is permissible in Islam. SMP stands for scalp micro pigmentation.

It is a method of depositing pigment into the dermal layer of the skin on the scalp, which replicates hair follicles. When viewed from a few inches or further away, the pigment dots appear as hair follicles. Here are some facts provided by a number of SMP clinics I inquired with:

SMP will have no effect on the ability for the skin to absorb water (i.e. for wudhu) or release water as sweat. The pigment consists of Iron Oxide, which according to the clinics is readily present in the body naturally The main difference between a tattoo and SMP is that SMP is semi-permanent and uses a completely natural pigment. It uses specialist pigments created for the scalp only, not tattoo ink.