Wearing the latest style abaayas and niqaabs

Q: Im 24 years old. I cover my face with niqaab. That means I wear abaya and cover my face when I go out. I use a normal, usual and black face cover to cover my face which is in abaya shops. Usually I wear the latest design abayas but it does not fit and it doesn't show my body's shape but it's the trend. So I had an idea to change my face cover material that still covers my face fully. Is it permissible to wear a different kind of face cover or it musn't change. That means, the materials and the colours of face coverl, can they change? There are abayas in may kinds of materials, so like that can I use different material for face covers?

Requesting one's husband for separate living quarters

Q: I have been living with my in laws over a year now and been having some problems with my in laws which I feel is affecting me and my husbands relationship. My mother in law does not like it when I go out with my mom or if I visit my aunts. I feel that she is controlling me. I asked my husband if we can move and he said no but I feel that if I stay any longer, problems will only get bigger.

Women wearing men's clothing

Q: Would it be permissible for ladies to wear:

1. Sweatpants that are meant originally for men but if one is wearing it one would not be able to discern whether it is meant for a man or a woman?

2. Socks that are meant for men but are of the colours pink and light blue and if one is wearing it, it would look like womans socks.

Eating at relatives homes where the inheritance was not distributed according to Shari'ah

Q: Is partaking meals permissible in a home where the the inheritance was not divided among the heirs which is a very common scenario in almost every home. If it is not permissible then one would perhaps not go to any of his relatives, friends home? What is the sharee ruling regarding it and would it affect Sila Rahmi (maintaining family ties) if we don’t visit our close relatives because of this?

Marital problems

Q: My wife has gone to Pakistan with our 1 year old boy. She has been sleeping with her 17 year old nephew who she claims is like her son. She used to bath him when he was young. I told her that I don't like it. I even told her sisters that I don't like it and I told my wife to stay away from him but she does not listen.

I was talking to her last week and she was laying down on the bed and her nephew came over and lied down on top of her. She laughed at me and said that she was busy and hung up the phone. When we spoke again, she refused to even speak to me about him.

She says that they have a very special relationship that I would not understand. Her sisters know about this and said that I am the one who is wrong and it's normal for them to do this as they love each other because she has bought him up from the time he was 1 year old.