Equality between wives

Q: What is the ruling on a husband who only provides for one wife and not the other even though he has 2 wives?

My husband lives with his second wife and I am the first. He pays rent where he lives and buys groceries but I see to myself. I pay my own rent and buy my own food. Is it permissible for him to do this? I am a Muslim revert and this has tested my faith to the point where I am having difficulty in believing in Islam.

Thinking about a married man

Q: I have this problem that has been bothering me for over 4 months now. I don't know what to do.

People tell me to pray and you will forget about it. But it is very difficult and I feel like no one understands me.

I used to work last year September till November so I worked only for 2 months. Within that 2 months my manager (who is 30 and I'm 19) has always supported me, and was there for me. We both grew a trusting relationship where we told eachother everything. Even when it came to talking about our illnesses and family problems with eachother. Bear in mind that he is a divorcee and married again. He has been there to support me and when no one understood me, his the only one that did.

Since I left my job, I feel like I'm going mental because I can't stop thinking about him. He told me about his illness so I gave him a Quran speaker, so hearing recitation keeps him calm. I cannot go through a single prayer without making dua for him. I can't sleep at night but worry if his okay, 24/7 (I mean 24/7) I think about him and question myself "is he ok" and pray to Allah to keep him safe and happy.

I know that I have no affection towards him. And I know myself that I am not allowing Shaytaan to play with my head. It's a Muslim sister worrying about her brother. I finished a Quran khatam for him, and I call up my store using a private number so when I hear his voice I know his safe and ok.

It's been 4 months and I still can't forget about him. I really don't know what to do it's very difficult and I really need help!

Using one's past experience to find a new job

Q: I got my job through the reference of my father's friend. I always doubted the procedure for acquiring a job but under my father's pressure worked for 3 year then I left. I thought that Allah will not be happy with me although I wanted my Allah to provide for me a job by better means. Now I want to know that whether I can use my past experience to find a new job or not?