Relationship with a grandmother who is involved in interest


1. What is the ruling for the one whose grandmother's eats sood and her money comes from bank sood? What attitude should be adopted by her grand children with her? 

2. Is it permissible for grandchildren to give gifts their grandma?

3. Is is necessary for grand daughter to cover head and satr infront of their grandma?

4. Is it permissible for grandchildren to give very much love to their grandmother?

Are the following Quraanic Aayaat?

Q: Can you please tell me if these are Quranic Ayahs or not.

1. اذا رأيت من غيرك خلقاً ذميماً فتجنب من نفسك أمثاله

2. أبشروا باليسر يا أهل العسر؛ فوالله لن يغلب عسر يسرين 

3. اذا رأيت أخاك مكروباً فقل له ؛ أبشر الفرج قريب وإذا رأيته في عسرة فقل له؛ أبشر اليسر قريب

4. فالكم بشرى تسر قلوبكم

Smoking weed

Q: My brother has smoked weed and me and my family are very worried, will this mean his duas won't be accepted for 40 days?

What is the ruling and is weed really bad?

Doubting if one's salaah is valid

Q: While I was reading my asr salaah,my brother and i were reading together and i was imam,i felt a urine drop come out but i carried on and finished the salaah.After the salaah I checked to see if any urine drops came out but i didn't see anything. This incident happened a while ago but now I'm thinking that I need to repeat the salaah because I'm sure that a urine drop came out and after the salaah i didn't check my underpants properly.Do i need to repeat the salaah?

Reward for reciting a certain durood


اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد ما اختلف الملوان وتعاقب العصران وكر الجديدان واستقبل الفرقدان وبلغ روحه وارواح اهل بيته منا التحية والسلام

Whoever recites this durud thrice, will receive the reward of reciting salutations 30 000 times. Can one make such statements? Mawlana mentioned in accordance to tajrabah of a dream. He didnt say it was a hadeeth. Also, can one have such aqeedah that by doing such, it will happen.

Beautifying oneself at home

Q: I know that changing the creation of Allah Ta'ala is haraam, but I want to ensure one thing that if I beautify myself at home will it be haraam? My mom keeps telling me that its not haraam if I do it at home. I wear niqaab and I try not to show myself to anyone (I used natural elements). My face is darker than my body so I am really confused.