Impotent husband

Q: I've been married since 5 months. My parents made me get married against my will even when istikhara was not right but I accepted it and started this life honestly and happily with my husband.

After marriage, on the very first day I got to know that my husband is completely impotent. During these 5 months we never had intercourse. Apart from that, he doesn't even care for me either I'm sick or anything happens to me. He works in a mill, comes home in the evening, has his dinner and sleeps. That's his daily routine.

He told me that he has consulted a doctor and taking medicines for his impotency. I believed him and remained calm but there's no difference. I haven't even seen him taking any medicines.

My parents too are not supporting me. This relation is now nothing more than a useless weight on my shoulders. I'm so depressed and sick since a month.

I've heard somewhere that if spouses never have intercourse when they're living together then they're automatically divorced. Is it true?

And, can I ask for khulaa (divorce) myself now? Feelings of hatred are buillding up in me against him. I feel like I'll kill him or myself someday. May Allah Paak forgive me for such thoughts but this hatred is not is my control. What shall I do?

Concern for earning halaal

Q: I would like to know about halal and haram incomes. Alhumdulillah I have a full time job. I have undertaken a second job working in hospitals on a casual basis for the basis of saving for hajj, investing in a business and paying off my mortgage (riba based unfortunately). I have chosen to work on Male wards to avoid mixing. But there are some points I would like to clarify. I will be working on mental health wards as a nursing assistant which from time to time require restraint of patients.

1. If I am called to another ward in an emergency situation can I restrain the patient if the patient in this ward is a female?(Alhumdulillah this has not happened to date)

2. The training required to restrain patients is carried out in a mixed environment where physical contact with females for the purpose of practising restraining techniques is highly possible. Would I be able to do this training?

3. I make an effort to avoid serving haraam foods served in the hospital by explicitly stating religious reasons (Alhumdulillah, to this day I haven’t had to serve haraam food). But if no one else is around to carry out the duty I may have to serve the haraam food. Can I do this?

4. So far none of the instances have occurred in this job and the chances of the above points happening are very low (except for training which takes place once every year).

5. The income earned from this job, would it be halaal? To use for hajj or daily living or investing etc.. if any of the above points occurred.

6. Finally is this job suitable (halaal) based on the above information, if not what should I do with money earned so far.

Boy getting married without his parents approval

Q: I am a new Muslim. I am currently married to a Christian and seeking a divorce. After divorce and iddah time is final, I desire to marry a Muslim man. It is the same person that helped lead me to Islam and helped me with my Shahaadah.

The problem is that I am a Caucasian American and he is an Arab Egyptian. His parents do not accept me because I am from a different culture. I have been married before and I am not Muslim by birth. His parents want him to marry a virgin from his culture. Me and him tried not to, but we have fallen in love and want to marry. He is 25 and I am 26. In order to keep his parents desires for him, I am willing to accept a polygamous marriage. But they still don't approve. He is now asking me to marry him without his parents knowing, and tell them after the marriage. I want to marry him and he wants to marry me, but I do not want to start off a marriage with haraam ways. I want my marriage to be halal. Can you give me sound advice to this situation?

Marital problems

Q: My husband had built a house for us and now my husband is abroad so I'm at my mother's place. My sister in law also has her own house and she had an idea of demolishing her own house and re making the house again. She is well wealthy also. After she demolished her house, my husband told her that she can come and live in our own house. So now my sister in law, her husband, her 2 children, my mother in law, my father in law, and my other sister in law and her husband and her 4 children are living there.

My second sister in law also has her own house. But she also is now living in my house with her children and her husband. Now there are so many people living in my house and all of them are my in laws and their children.

Before they came to my home, my home was clean and good looking. Now they have made my home totally untidy and all their clothes are everywhere. All the things of my home are messed up and they have changed everything as they wish. Some items are missing in my home. Even the bathrooms have become stinky.

When I go home, I hate how dirty it is and they all ignore me. They forgot that it is my home. My husband says that his sister and his whole family have full right to change everything in my home. He says that his family have more over my home than me. My questions are:

1. Can they live in my home when me and my husband are not there?

2. Do they have permission to change everything in my home as they wish?

3. Many items are missing in my home after they came, can they do like that?

3. Can they enjoy their lives while destroying my home?

4. If my husband built a house from his own money, who are the real owners of that property?

Questioning the law of Allah Ta'ala

Q: Could you please explain me this as these doubts making me sleepless and make me always think. Praise be to Allah.

It was narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that women will form the majority of the people of Hell. It was narrated from ‘Imran ibn Husayn that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I looked into Paradise and I saw that the majority of its people were the poor. And I looked into Hell and I saw that the majority of its people are women.”(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3241; Muslim, 273)

With regard to the reason for this, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked about it and he explained the reason.It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I was shown Hell and I have never seen anything more terrifying than it. And I sa.w that the majority of its people are women.” They said, “Why, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Because of their ingratitude (kufr).” It was said, “Are they ungrateful to Allah?” He said, “They are ungrateful to their companions (husbands) and ungrateful for good treatment. If you are kind to one of them for a lifetime then she sees one (undesirable) thing in you, she will say, ‘I have never had anything good from you.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1052)

My question is if women have this habit ofbeing ungrateful or not obeying husbands then it may be a nature of womem its like Allah has created them that way cause its not about few women but many so how can Allah punish them for creating them like that.

Secondly, I think why should a wife obey her husband if they need obeidience why not wives even wife should be obeyed like if a wife wanna do something wrong if husband can stop why not wife if she don’t have that authority then don’t you think its waste to stop them as they however wont listen as Allah didn’t ask them to obey their Wife really is that what islam teaches I don’t wanna be a slave of my husband if husband deserve obeidience respect even a wife deserves I wanna know why women has to face such injustice

(Narrated by Muslim, 885) Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet said, “If I were to order anyone to prostrate himself before another, I would have ordered a woman to prostrate herself before her husband.” [At-Tirmidhi] prostrate do you know why we prostrate to Allah coz he is our master and we are his slave and here am I a slave of my husband to prostrate in front of him do we have such low status that Allah has given no one except god deserves prostration and if husband deserves why not women why not our parents who sacrifice everything for their kids every person on earth can leave us but our parents will never so why not to them

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘When a man calls his wife to his bed and she refuses, and he went to sleep angry with her, the angels will curse her until morning.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3065; Muslim, 1436) is wife a sex toy to please him whenever hewants is it not her wish to do anything and why is it that sex is only husbands right why not wives right don’t they have those feelings they too have even they should have that right even it should obligatory for men if she calls and man refuses he too should be punished Rasulullah said: "The woman who dies in the state of her husband being pleased with her will enter Jannah ." Really if he don’t get pleased even if we die for him then still ill go to hell just cause he was not happy and am I born only for him to please him to obey and all that what ever islam teaches and why not men why its not written anywhere if wife is pleased men will get jannah why cant they be pleased or they don’t deserve to be pleased Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi) said: "0 women! Remember, those who are pious and upright amongst you they will enter Jannah before the pious men. These women will then be bathed, perfumed, and presented to their husbands on red and yellow mounts. They will have such children with them who will resemble scattered pearls."

Presented are we models to be presented before them to use us right and what will be presented to us nothing Rasulullah said: "The best of women is one that pleases her husband when he glances at her; obeys him when he commands her not oppose him and displease him in matters regarding her body and wealth . Is that her fault is she a model to always be ready for him to use her the way he want don’t she deserves to be happy when he come home from work tired and all sweaty will she complain he is not goodlooking now Im not happy cause im not pleased looking at him no right then why is this with women And who don’t obey I don’t know what is this with word obey if I should why Cant he and do not oppose really we both are Different we both have different mindset different opinion still I cant oppose him why coz im a wife he can displease me but I cant right if he deserves to be pleased why not we

And the last question all these aree worldly things even in Akhirah men are going to get hoor what about us nothing actually we are going to be presented to them as toys right don’t we deserve something not even in world not even in akhirah

Am I a feminist as I have read the definition of feminist the girl who fights for their rights are known as feminist am I the one for questioning all about my rights I know men and women are different I agree with so many differences like a girl cant give adhan a girl cant be imaam I agree with all this but husband wife they are better half they are partners but still such low status if I have such low status in islam I may end up leaving islam which I don’t want to.

Novated Lease

Q: I am writing to seek you advice in relation to procuring a motor vehicle using a leasing arrangement. Which (if any) of the following options are a halaal option of buying a motor vehicle through a salary packaging arrangement?

Novated Lease

Finance Lease

Hire Purchase 

Chattel Mortgage

In particular, I wish to know if Novated Leasing is Halal? While you may already be aware on how Novated leasing work, however I ahven taken the liberty of copying and pasting an explanation from the internet for your consideration (which is exactly how it works in my current place of employment);

Novated Lease Explained:

"A novated lease is a three-way agreement between an employer, employee and a financier whereby an employer leases a car on behalf of the employee. A car is leased in your name and running costs such as fuel, insurance and maintenance are all included in a single lease repayment, paid for using a combination of your pre and post-tax salary. This means you could reduce your taxable income and pay less tax"

If none of the above are halal, please advise of an alternate halaal finance option applicable in the West. I look forward to your guidance in this matter.