Blood not flowing for few days during one's haidh

Q: Does a woman have to pray during the periods of dryness during the beginning of her menses? For example, a woman who normally has a heavy period that lasts over a week, notices a small burst of blood during the time she is expecting her period, but then experiences a day of two of dryness (though she expects her period will resume), then the blood starts really flowing.

Does she have to pray during the day or two? If so, does she have to make ghusl before praying? How many days is the period of purity according to the hanafi Madhab?

Lastly, does a woman consider her menses started if the blood is still in the inside of her private part (has not yet flowed to the outer, visible part)? For example, if she inserts a piece of tissue into the inner part of her private part (inside the hole, where it is not visible) and it comes back with blood, but the blood does not flow to the outer part for about half of a day (such that if she wipes the outer part, the tissue comes back clean), is she still considered on her period during this time?

Yellow discharge after haidh

Q: I am a female who normally has both yellow and white vaginal discharge. Scientifically, from what I read, yellow discharge can be a normal discharge for women, and it is simply the vagina cleaning itself. This discharge occurs before and after my menses and well as during my 'pure' days, pretty much all month long, pretty frequently. Until now, I did not consider this my period as it occurs naturally throughout the month and my actual period is very obvious as it very heavy and painful and lasts 8-10 days. Recently, in a fatwa, I read that any color other than white, including yellow means menses, and in another I read that this yellow should only be considered menses if it occurs right before the blood flow. I am confused - is this yellow discharge menses islamically?

If it is, this will make things very difficult for me. Since it occurs nearly all the time, it will occur right after my 15 days of purity, and I will have to consider the week right after it my period. The actual blood flow will start later, and I will have to make ghusl during the days of actual blood flow. Given that my menses flow is consistent and heavy, how do I make ghusl in this case? if I simply shower, the blood will continue to flow and will mix with the water. In fact, no matter how I shower, the water would inevitably run over the blood and over other parts of my body. How do I wash and make ghusl while the blood flows without getting the rest of my body impure?

Also, it seems that the opinion that this discharge is not menses unless accompanied by blood, which is what I have been following my whole life, also seems to appear in the Hanafi fiqh as well as other madhabs. Given the immense difficulty and stress the other position would put me under (especially as I am struggling with OCD regarding impurities and making ghusl with blood running in between my legs would give me major anxiety), am I allowed to carry on with this fiqh position? I am sorry this is very long, however this issue has been given me a huge deal of stress, and will be incredibly difficult for me if this discharge is in fact menses islamically.

Coloured discharge after haidh

Q: I have a few questions regarding figuring out the end of my period.

For the last 10 years, I had been relying on the opinion that once there has been clear discharge/dryness towards the end of one's menses, whatever comes after that in terms of colored discharge should be ignored. I determined my habit according to this rule (when I say dryness once, I considered it the end of my period and ignored what came after).

Recently, I have been told that the colored discharge after menses is also considered menses (up to the 10 day mark) and one must make ghusl accordingly, multiple times when necessary. Is this the correct opinion?

If so, must I re-determine my habit according to this opinion or do I stick with my previous habit?

Lastly, since according to the first opinion, whatever comes after dryness is to be ignored, for the last 10 years I have been doing ghusl only once usually, and not repeating it following colored discharge afterwards. Do I have to make up all the prayers I did in this state for the last 10 years?

Also, the discharge that is after the established habit but before the 10 day mark, is this also menses?

The rights of a foster mother

Q: Firstly, when a relation of a milk mother (foster mother) or "Razaat" is established through breastfeeding a child, is this status of a mother given to the breastfeeding woman because of respect only and can she be regarded as a step mother?

Secondly, does this status of milk mother make her equivalent to a biological mother in terms of rights and all aspects which a biological mother has.

Irregular bleeding

Q: If a woman got her haidh on the 10th of Feb and it ended on the 15th but it was not how she usually experiences her haidh. On the 12th day of her tuhur (28 of Feb), she began bleeding like her normal haidh. Which one will be considered as her haidh and what should she do?

Women wearing gloves

Q: Should I cover my hands with gloves? I am not comfortable with it because my palm get hot and sweaty which makes me irritated. I also dont have any intention of revealing my palm to non maharams intentionally. I try to cover half of my palm as my burkha got a pretty long sleeve to cover half of my palm.