Fear of husband making kufr statements

Q: My husband is depressed because he is with his father in his buisness and his father does some haraam dealings. He doesnt want to be left with the haraam business after his father dies but doesnt know what else to do. In a depressing state about the situation he made comments such as:

This is a lesson I dont deserve

Theres no hope, I'm forced into doing wrong

I'm not a bad person

And a few others where he is basically saying that he doesn't deserve what he is getting. Is the above comments kufar?

Using a Xeros washing machine

Q: Would it be permissible to make use of the below laundry system to wash clothing?

Laundry systems that will revolutionise the local tourism sector use 80% less water and can save up to 22 000 litres per guest room in water consumption annually. And now these machines are available in South Africa.

Local Cape Town company, fanute, has signed a partnership with Xeros, the innovator of polymer cleaning technologies to exclusively distribute and service its award-winning laundry systems in South Africa.

Amidst the worst drought in over a century, Cape Town has imposed severe water restrictions of just 50 liters a day. The city is bracing for July 9th, which has been dubbed “Day Zero” – the day the city will cut off running water leaving 4 million people without water.

“The near-waterless washing system from Xeros is exciting and can potentially revolutionise the local tourism sector,” says Charl de Beer, manager of fanute. “Saving up to 80% water and nearly 50% electricity are metrics that resonate with South Africans, who are facing rising water costs due to the growing scarcity of these utilities.”

The Xeros laundry system replaces up to 80% of the water used in traditional washing systems with polymer XOrbs™ which gently massage textiles to provide superior cleaning results as compared to conventional aqueous washing methods. By combining the molecular structure of the XOrbs with a proprietary detergent solution, dirt from soiled items is attracted and absorbed by the XOrbs, producing cleaner results in ambient water.

The reusable XOrbs have a lifespan of hundreds of washes before being collected and recycled. The patented, award-winning system uses 80% less water, up to 50% less energy, and approximately 50% less detergent than traditional systems.

Coloured discharge after haidh

Q: I have a few questions regarding figuring out the end of my period. For the last 10 years, I had been relying on the opinion that once there has been clear discharge/dryness towards the end of one's menses, whatever comes after that in terms of colored discharge should be ignored. I determined my habit according to this rule (when I say dryness once, I considered it the end of my period and ignored what came after). Recently, I have been told that the colored discharge after menses is also considered menses (up to the 10 day mark) and one must make ghusl accordingly, multiple times when necessary. Is this the correct opinion?

If so, must I re-determine my habit according to this opinion or do I stick with my previous habit?

Lastly, since according to the first opinion, whatever comes after dryness is to be ignored, for the last 10 years I have been doing ghusl only once usually, and not repeating it following colored discharge afterwards. Do I have to make up all the prayers I did in this state for the last 10 years?

Listening to one's mother


1. My mom is very innocent and sometimes takes decisions of some things which has more problems than solutions for us. When she tells me to do something then I do it because Allah says we have to obey our parents. Sometimes Abbu also shouts at me as to why am I doing such things. What should I do? Can I deny my mom or should I obey her?

2. People know that I listen to my mother, whenever and whatever work people want from me, they go directly to my mother and convince her and then my mother orders me to do that work. Sometimes I hate doing that work. Is there any chance of me denying my mom in these situations? 

Unnecessary talking to people selling things

Q: Some sellers (women) come near my home. They don't even ring the bell but wait for my mom to come out to talk to them. My mom doesn't know that they are there but unconsciously she goes to the door and sees them by the door. The seller woman laughs and asks if my mom wants to buy something. I don't know what is happening and how can she call my mom wirelessly every time?  

Fear of hypocrisy

Q: My mom came out of being a munafiq many years ago. Many of my relatives are munafiqun and some are worshippers of snakes, jinns etc. My mom always reads Qur'an ruqya, muawwidatein and tasbih to protect ourselves from them. I sometimes feat that she may become mad by making so much tasbih and azkaar. But my fear that she becomes a munafiq again is more. Sometimes a person comes near our home, even if my mom is sleeping, she gets up and opens the door to see who is outside then she sees a munifiq man smiling.