Female going to a male doctor


والطبيب إنما يجوز له ذلك إذا لم يوجد امرأة طبيبة فلو وجدت فلا يجوز له أن ينظر لأن نظر الجنس إلى الجنس أخف وينبغي للطبيب أن يعلم امرأة إن أمكن وإن لم يكن ستر كل عضو منها سوى موضع الوجع ثم ينظر ويغض ببصره عن غير ذلك الموضع إن استطاع لأن ما ثبت للضرورة يتقدر بقدرها (البحر الرائق 8/352) 

Is it correct to say that it is established from the above text that it is not permissible for a male doctor to look at a female patients awrah if a female doctor is available? 

Mother of the child giving azaan and tahneek for the newborn

Q: I need advice on a few of the following issues relating to my new born baby.

I am due in a few weeks time inshAllah and my husband has requested for his grandfather to give the adhaan and perform the tahneek of our baby... After doing some research and finding out from a few aalims, I have come to the conclusion that the person who performs the tahneek and adhaan of the baby should be someone of piety. Now I'm not saying that I'm a brilliant Muslim but my husbands grandfather does not even read one salaah, and he poses no good qualities.

1. I wanted to know if there was a way to allow my grandfather in law to give the babies adhaan and avoid the tahneek and make my niyyah that an aalim of my choice perform the two at a later stage.

2. Or will it be possible if I as the mother perform it myself, both the adhaan and tahneek? I do understand that it is the most important part of my baby being brought into this world but I am stuck in a position of making everyone happy. If I have to tell my husband that I chose someone else, his whole family will have an issue because his grandfather performs all the adhaan and tahneek of all the babies being born in their families. And they dont choose the old man based on a deeni perspective, instead they choose him based strictly on the fact that hes the eldest living family member. 

Are the following wordings from the Qur'an Shareef or the Ahadeeth?

Q: Are the following wordings from the Qur'an Shareef and/or Ahadeeth Shareef?

1. "Hasbiyallaahu fid-deen; Hasbiyallaahu fid-dunya; Hasbiyallaahu laa ilaaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa Rabbul 'Arshil 'Azeem."

2. "Sitrul 'arshi masbuulun 'alayna, wa 'ainullahi naazhiratun ilayna, bi hawlillahi la yuqdiru 'alayna"

3. "Unsurnaa fi-innaka khayrun-naasireen. Waf-tah lanaa fi-innaka khayrul faatiheen. Wagh-fir lanaa fi-innaka khayrul ghaafireen. War-hamnaa fi-innaka khayrurraahimeen. War-zuqnaa fi-innaka khayrur-raaziqeen."