Doubts on hurmat-e-musaaharah

Q: Does humeraat e musaahara happen with just a quick touch? I was taking my baby from my father in law and could have touched his hand or it was my babies skin im not sure, and then the thought came that I am touching lustfully. I'm not sure if it was lustfull or not. This happens a lot. What can I do about it?

Marital problems

Q: I am a job holder. I have colleagues and friends on my fb profile. I do like or comment such as looking pretty on my female friends pictures. My wife does hijab. When we go out for lunch in a restaurant I ask her to uncover her mouth to eat but she disagrees and we fight sometimes. Even when we go on a long drive and I ask her to uncover her face she disagrees as well. She is making issues out of these things and wants a talaaq. I do pray five times a day but I watch tv, etc. Adding all these things up, she seeks talaaq. Can you please advise.

Verification of a Hadith

Q: Kindly inform me if the following is authentic:

A woman came to The Prophet ‎ﷺ and complained to him about her husband that he invites too many guests and she has become weary from preparing food for them and hosting them. The Prophet ‎ﷺ did not answer and the woman left. Sometime later The Prophet ‎ﷺ called the woman's husband and said, "I am your guest today." The man was so happy he went home and told his wife "The Prophet of Allāh ‎ﷺ is our guest today." His wife was ecstatic and spent time and effort and used every bit of food to prepare for the arrival of the Most Honored Guest, The Prophet ‎ﷺ. After the amazing joy of hosting The Prophet ‎ﷺ generously, The Prophet ‎ﷺ told the man, "Tell your wife to watch the door from which I leave your home." So the wife watched the door from which The Prophet ‎ﷺ left her home and saw all kinds of creatures, scorpions and other harmful creatures leaving the house behind The Prophet ‎ﷺ, upon which she fainted due to the immense manifestation and greatness of what she had witnessed. When she came to The Prophet ‎ﷺ, he said to her, "This is what happens when the guest leaves your home, with him all kinds of harm, trials and tribulations and harmful creatures depart from your home, and that is the wisdom behind being generous to one's guest and becoming weary doing so." The house in which the guests are frequent and many is a house which Allāh ﷻ loves. There is nothing better than the 'open house' for the young and the old. In such a house descends Allāh's ﷻ Mercy and Blessings from heaven.

The Prophet ‎ﷺ said, "If Allāh wants good for a people, He sends them a gift." They asked "What kind of gift, oh Prophet of Allāh?" He said, "The guest comes with his own provision, and leaves with the sins of the people of the house."

So my beloved, know that the guest is the way to Paradise. The Prophet ‎ﷺ said, "Whoever believes in Allāh and the Last Day must be generous with his guest." Bukhaari, 5560;

Position of Arabs over non-Arabs

Q: I am very confused about the position of Arabs over other races in Islam. The prophet himself said that an Arab is not better than a non-Arab, yet I also have heard that Arabs, as a whole, have been given a superiority over other races. How do we reconcile these two views? Could you explain exactly in what way Arabs are considered superior?

Does this superiority also exist with regards to religion - for example if two people are equally religious and one is Arab and one is non-Arab, is the one that is Arab more excellent in religion or more pious or more beloved to Allah?

Lastly, are Arab women not considered compatible with a non-Arab men in most scholars' opinions, yet all non-Arabs are considered compatible with each other. So, from what I understand this compatibility issue is not about cultural differences, because then non-Arabs would not be compatible with other non-Arabs of different races/cultures. So, what is the reason for the incompatibility between an Arab woman and non-Arab man? What is the evidence for this?

Three talaaqs

Q: I want to know about triple talaq masla. I am listenening and seeing more and more of this new masala. Why the government is against it? Will it cause any problems for us?

Illegally obtaining a certificate to get a job

Q: I have a severe confusion prevailing over my mind whether I should do a particular thing or not, the situation is as follows:

I got enlisted in a regular-basis employee list from state government recently and if I produce documents before the government I will be appointed as a linesman in power development department of my state, but the problem is it requires to be qualified up to 8th standard i.e. middle pass, and I don't possess any document regarding that as I'm not a middle pass or I can say I haven't qualified 8th standard.

Now my family members have suggested to borrow an illegal certificate or make a duplicate any how to get the job and support my family. My situation is confusing as I'm poor and need to support my family and on the other hand I've always praised Allah Ta'ala in five prayers a day. I'm under pressure from my family to take the wrong step but I personally don't want to take this step. Please suggest something in this regard so I can be out of this mess.