Haraam relationships

Q: I've been in a relationship with someone for the past five years, the reason we didn't get married earlier was because my mother dissaproved. After a while I lost interest in the young man. Then I met someone new, I love this new person alot, but we had a had some issues and we broke up for a while about four months, so the first guy who had been in the picture earlier asked me if he could marry me so I said okay he could, but a month later the second guy returned back into my life and my heart preferd to be with him, but the other person had already introduced himself to my family.

1. What is the penalty for calling off the engagement with him so I could marry the one my heart is inclined towards?

2. What is the penalty for running away and getting married without my guardians consent, cause I can't tell them about the second person, cause he's not from the same race as I am.

I'd read a question were the answer was that it was shameful to do so, is it just shameful or is there a penalty for doing so with Allah Ta'ala. 

Circumcision for women

Q: Could you please provide references from the Quran Sharif and Hadith on whether circumcision of women is compulsory in Islam or not? I have heard that it can be harmful and dangerous for women and can even cause death, if not done correctly.

Keeping dogs as pets

Q: I wanted to know more about keeping dogs as pets in regards to Islam. Some scholars say that it's okay to keep dogs in the house, while others think of it as impure and haraam. I wanted to know if it is permissible to keep dogs in the house as long as they are only allowed in certain rooms. For example, if a room is reserved for prayer and the dog is prevented from going in it, does it still mean that keeping the dog in the house is not allowed? I want to emphasise that this question is about having a pet rather than a hunting dog or a guard dog.

Finding impurity on the shower floor

Q: Yesterday I found a piece of toilet paper with stool on the shower floor, my concern is that my family had showered in there and while I am not certain if they specifically stepped on the toilet paper, since the entire floor within the shower is wet, I would like to know if this makes the whole shower floor napaak thereby making their feet (as they are barefoot in the shower) and all the surfaces their feet touched napaak as well.

Can the poor also earn rewards like the rich despite not having wealth to spend in charity?

Q: How can a poor person compete with a wealthy person in terms of good deeds as the wealthy are able to do so much more good deeds with their wealth? In fact, wealthy people can even receive rewards after they pass away due to Sadaqah Jariyah, but as for the poor, their rewards are very little.

Strong sexual desires

Q: I know a woman who has a problem. Sometimes when she is half awake, she gets some strong sexual feelings in her vagina and desire for sex. This feelings last for 20 to 25 seconds or less than 1 minute. Her husband stays in another country. She feels nobody in her bed at this time. What is the reason for this? Sometime she sees some black mark on her leg and some times not. What is the reason?