Remembering to make sajdah sahw while reciting Durood-e-Ebrahim

Q: When sajda-e-sahw is to be done, the procedure is that it will be performed in the last qa'dah, i.e. after tashahhud, one salam to right and then 2 sujood. Sometimes due to carelessness I recite part of durood after tashahhud and then realize that I have to do sajda-e-sahw then what should I do at that moment? Should I proceed to sajda-e-sahw at that moment?


Q: My sister in law's genotype is AS and her fiance's is also AS. If she gets pregnant in the marriage, is it permissible to terminate a three weeks old pregnancy?

Will a foster child inherit from foster parents?

Q: When I was born my mother was mistakenly given a Muslim baby boy (someone's else's child). She fed him once, then fed him again. She realized that she doesn't "like" this baby and called for the nurses. I was born pre mature so I was in the incubator. My father took down their address as he becomes my foster brother and I cannot marry him. We have no contact with him, have never met or seen him. We would like to know if he will now inherit? (since my mother has fed him two full feeds unintentionally) If he does inherit does he inherit from my mother and father?

Sufficing on the three fardh of ghusal

Q: (I don't know whether I am a hanfi, shafi etc, so please answer accordingly)

The ghusl/ritual bath that we perform to become paak after menses, etc. have three farz/compulsory acts: washing mouth, cleaning nose, and pouring water all over the body. So if we perform ONLY and only these three acts and NOT perform the remaining acts like performing "Wuzu", washing wrists (not the one in wuzu), doing niyyat, etc. will our ghusl be valid and will we become paak?

Also, if I only perform these three acts and that too not in proper order (for example I wash my mouth and nose in the end or any other order), will my ghusl be valid and will my namaz be accepted?

Washing dishes with impurity on one's hand

Q: I had an impurity on my hand and it dried. I meant to wash it but I forgot and then I washed a pot (with my hand), heated up something in it and drank it. Is this pot (and what I drank) pure? I washed it under running water. Do I have to worry about the other dishes in the sink being impure since I washed the pot over these dishes (the water I was washing with ran all over them), or can I just assume they are pure?

Using a stove in hotels that do not permit the usage of appliances in hotel rooms

Q: It is a general rule in most present day hotels that visitors booked in are not allowed to use a stove or any such appliance in the bag which may be a cause of a fire. Despite the above condition, a person still uses the appliance without it being detected by the hotel, will this be incorrect and be regarded as khiyaanat (deception)?