Selling viagra tablets

Q: My brother sells Viagra tablets (these tablets are used for erectile dysfunction). Is his business halaal or haraam? We do not know whether the customers who buy these tablets will use them in a haraam or halaal manner.

Growing a beard

Q: I want to grow a beard but my mother is telling me to only grow my beard after marriage. I live in India and there is a lot of difficulty in finding a girl if someone has a beard. I want to get married as soon as possible because there is a lot of fitna and temptation here.

Demanding the return of a gift

Q: A relative gave me money and said that it's a gift. I did not want to accept the gift, but was forced to do so because the relative was really persistent. A few months after I accepted the gift, the relative began phoning and demanding the money back. What should I do as I no longer have the money?

Joining salaahs

Q: If one has oral surgery due to having a wisdom tooth removed, and therefore has constant bleeding in their mouth for days, are they allowed to join prayers? If so how long are they allowed to join prayers? Is it until the pain ends or until the bleeding stops?