Inheritors wishing to waive their right of inheritance

Q: A man dies leaving behind no biological children nor parents. He had 10 siblings and many nephews and nieces. He did not have an Islamic will and wished to distribute his estate to his siblings, nephews and nieces. He is currently survived by 40 people (3 brothers, 1 sister and 36 nephews and nieces). His siblings wish to waive their shariah rights and distribute the estate equally among all 40 individuals. The main reason for this is to maintain and improve family ties among all. Would this be in order?

Acceptance of duas

Q: I really want something and I've been making a lot of dua for it. Also, I started performing tahajjud salaah for it. I need it urgently. How would I know that Allah will accept it or not?

Is modern day interest haraam?

Q: I would like to know if riba falls under the category of western interest? A lot of scholars have said that it does not and it is permissible. I would like to know the reasoning behind this and why it is or is not permissible. I have been reading a lot about this topic and when the word riba is translated it can have a large number of meanings.

Marrying someone who watches TV

Q: If an Aalimah who wears full niqab and does not intermingle with men or watch tv movies etc. gets a proposal from a doctor whos a hafiz, which means he probably does khalwat with women and he watches football, would you even tell the Aalimah to consider him? He is praised for his akhlaaq. He also visits a female dentist.

Should the Aalimah even consider him. She has hope of doing amr bil maroof but fears marriage problems thereafter. Her grandfather (Allah enlighten his qabr) was a Shaikhul Hadeeth.

Taking work from jinnaat

Q: Is it shirk to invoke a good jinn bound to a vessel by believing "without the permission of Allah nothing can happen" so the jinn can be your friend without causing other people harm. Sometimes complete wishes for you such as more money and wishes that doesn't go against Islamic teachings and just guide u as a friend and the jinn is kind of a personal trainer?

Giving money to one’s mature and immature children


1. A father gave a fixed amount of money to his wife and told her that this money is for their children (mature and immature children). He also told the children that he gave their mother a fixed amount of money which is theirs. In the above-mentioned situation, will the money belong to the children or will it still belong to the father?

2. Can the father take the money back without asking the children?

3. What is the correct procedure of giving money to the children? Should the money be given to the wife to keep on their behalf?

Urinary incontinence


1) I have problem of urinary inconsistence. I have to wait for nearly ten minutes after urinating for the drops to stop dripping. Moreover I am quite certain that drops dribble in my clothes while I am sleeping. I do feel the sensation of urine drops coming out in daily routine also, however the number of occasions this has really happened are very few (once every 20-30 times). In such a scenario, if I have a sensation that a urine drop has dribbled, but I am not in the position of verifying it, then is it OK for me to consider my clothes tahir?

2) If I am able to verify that drops have dribbled and made my clothes najis, should I offer prayer because it is not possible to change clothes or undergarments in office or in travel? If I am at home, I immediately change my clothes and purify myself.

3) Because of urinary inconsistence, my mind is subjected to waswasa every now and then. If I am not tahir (paak), then I usually try not to touch anything. There are many things which I do not touch because I think I have made them najis at some point in the past. I do feel restricted in daily life due to this habit. One solution is to purify these objects, but I cannot do this for all the objects like microwave oven in hostel, table tennis table in office etc. What I should do about these objects?