Verification of a Hadith

Q: Many years ago, I read a book in which a hadith was cited wherein a wealthy Sahabi (radi'Allahu anhu) uttered a criticism and complaint about the existence in the midst of other Sahaba (radi'Allahu anhum) who were poor and therefore perceived as being an unduly burden on the community. As I recall - and I ask Allah's forgivness if I am mistaken in my recollection - Nabi sal'Allahu alayhi wa sallam, did not take kindly to the attitude of the Sahabi (radi'Allahu anhu) and rebuked him by saying words to the effect that it was only because of the existence of such poor people, that Allah's Mercy reached the community of believers at all.

Please confirm:

1. Whether such a hadith exists; and if does,

2. Whether it is reliable and authentic, and

3. If it is, provide me with a copy of the Hadith in Arabic together with a parallel english language translation?

Mother abusing her daughter

Q: My mother verbally abuses me a lot and says it's her right as a parent to treat me how she wants, whenever I try to say anything she says I'm rude, ungrateful etc I know Islam says to respect parents no matter what but I can't help but feel resentment towards her and I can't handle her doing this anymore. What is the Islamic perspective on a situation like this one?

Breaking a promise

Q: For some years a religious guilt feeling blocks my mind. Before starting the story I have two cousins and I name them as A and B.

When I was studying in grade six, a gang of boys of about six including those two cousins used to buy and see porn cd's. When this came to my knowledge, cousin B asks me to make a promise that if they show me those videos and if I tell others or our parents then education will not come to me. At that age I had never seen such movies and I touched his hand to promise then only will they show it to me. I had done umrah before all this happened. So after some years they two had a chance to go for umrah and after coming from umrah cousin B told me that their sin is erased by going for umrah and I saw porn after visiting umrah.

In that situation I felt guilty and I think of the expenses of my parents to go for umrah, so I decided to tell my mom. Now my cousin A knows that I told my parents and I forgot whether I asked sorry for breaking my promise.

Now for some years when I am studying that promise (if I told anyone about seeing porn then education will not come) comes infront of my mind and it blocks my mind from concentrating and I feel depressed and I feel like I cant study. Can we make a promise not to see porn and tell it to others for guilt feeling? 

Revoking a talaaq without the wife's consent

Q: Two weeks ago a Shariah court issued a talaq raji. We continued to live in the same house and bed. Last night my husband forced me to have intercourse with him despite my objections and plea not to. He is physically stronger than me so I could not stop him. I am currently under iddah. Are we still divorced or does the sexual act automatically reinstate our marriage even though I didn't agree to it?