Separating from one's husband who is involved in zina

Q: If a husband is continuously involved in zina and is not even guilty of it, does the wife have the right to get separated? If yes, can she file a divorce instead of khula? Is such a right given to her in her nikaah agreement? What are the regulations in relation to khula and divorce? Can she give divorce? Does she have the right in her nikaah documentation according to sunnah? He will try to humiliate her to protect his image and even kill her if he comes to know that she knows he is a zaani. He will make it as painful for her as possible because thats the kind of person he is.

Pulling a person back from the front saff in Jamaat Salaah

Q: If a person comes last in the masjid and there is no space in the first row

1. Should he slightly pull a person from the first row to stand next to him?

2. If the person from the first row comes back to join the person standing alone in the back, what should be the duty of the men who were standing left and right of the person who went back? Should they remain in their places or move closer? What is the proper way to fill that space? 

Taking an oath that one will not talk to a certain person

Q: I promised Allah that I won’t talk to my friend first, meaning I won’t start the conversation first. Yesterday he called and I answered then we spoke. So now can I call him and talk to him or do I still have to wait for him to start the conversation. If I start the conversation will it be like breaking that promise. Some time I feel like I promised not to start the conversation ever so what should I do if I am not sure my oath. Can I talk to that friend or will it be considered as breaking the promise?

Taking a loan to send one's father for Umrah

Q: My father had made arrangements for umrah. The process went as far as getting to the airport. By the will of Allah, his passport and documents were mislaid at the airport. All efforts were made to find them but because of time constraints, the rest of the group had to continue with the blessed journey and my father could not go.

1. In terms of sawaab, will my father receive the full sawaab?

2. My siblings and relatives had initially all contributed towards the cost of the trip. Due to love and emotion, I wish to send him in a few months time. Is it permissible for me to take a loan to pay for his trip and then I will settle the loan as my own? Should I make it known to him if the loan option is allowed?