Communicating with a non-mahram

Q: From the first day of my college I started talking to a girl in my class. We met everyday and talked about many things. We also chatted on the phone. Days passed and she opened up about her personal life. Her parents got divorced when she was in 4th grade. After 2 years her mother passed away. She's the only child of her parents. After that she was adopted by her maternal uncle and since then she's living with him and his family. We discussed about religion also and she, being a christian, I told her about Islam. College closed for 10 days for holidays. After holidays, classes started again and I started ignoring her. Whenever I see her, I try to run from her. I don't even look at her. But today, while I was sitting in the corner of the class, she came up to me and said: "Why are you ignoring me? Did you forget about me?" and she went away. I felt that she was hurt. What should I do? I try my best not to get emotionally attached to someone because in the past I was hurt by getting attached to someone. As a point of sympathy... I feel that I must talk to her.Please suggest some remedy!

Accepting zakaat funds for a bursary

Q: I’m a 19 year old student currently studying at Univeristy. My father has just recently got a job but the income barely covers our home expenses and my mother is unemployed. My mother does however have money invested where she receives some every month and this covers the rest of our house expenses. My parents cannot afford to pay my univeristy fees with this money. I have been offered a bursary but they give Zakaat money. I would like to find out if it is permissible for me to accept this money.

Plucking eyebrows

Q: I know that plucking eyebrows is haram in Islam; our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has cursed the women to pluck eyebrows. Alhamdulillah, I have never done my eyebrows despite going college/university because I don't want Allah Ta'ala to be angry with me. However I was thinking when we get married, on the wedding day, is it ok to pluck the eyebrows only for that one day? Would that still be sinful? We're not going to do a big wedding, just a little one - according to Sunnah so nobody comes, would that be ok? I know Allah is still watching but is it permissible only for that one day?

Incontinence problem

Q: I'm a male and I have a medical problem of urethral discharge incontinence. I can't afford to buy diapers everytime and also there is not too much of leakage, only small amounts. I keep a tissue paper in my underwear to prevent it from soiling. But it always keeps moving from it's place. I tried wrapping around my penis but still it unwraps and moves away. So, everytime when I'm going to toilet, I change my underwear also. Nowadays, I am changing 6-7 underwear per day, which is very very difficult. Please tell me any other suggestion, so that I don't have to change my underwear everytime when I go to the toilet.

Concealing one's past sins

Q: I was in a friendship with Mr. X and was committed with him for many years and now I am engaged to him Masha Allah. Our relationship is very pious and respectaable. We never touched each other. A year before my engagement with my friend Mr. X, my affair started with Mr. Z and I had a physical relationship but there was no penetration. I was cheating on my friend Mr. X. Finally I realized my mistake and now I have left Mr. Z.... My fiance, Mr. X got this information from different people about my past affair and asked me but I refused to accept it. I repent for my sin daily but I don't want to hurt my fiance nor do I want to cheat on him. One thing is for sure that he will not leave me even after I accept my sin in front of him but I don't want to hurt him for his whole life.

What should I do now? Should I tell him truth before marrying him? I don't have courage to face him

Secondly, will Allah forgive me ? Is there any kaffara of my sin? My marriage is planned after 3 months.