Hopping from one Mazhab to another

Q: I normally follow the hanafi madhab however I wish to follow the shafii madhab with regards to wudu as i read that the shafii madhab does not consider wudu broken if blood or pus or other liquids flow from anywhere but the front and back passage. I am in a difficult situation due to blood/liquid flow and would like to follow the shafii ruling. Is this permissible? Also if I follow the shafii madhab with regards to wudu, must I follow it with regards to prayer and ghusl as well? If so, what are the obligations of prayer according to the shafii madhab?

Feeling ashamed of one's past

Q: I am really worried about something which I did 1-2 year ago. I was 16 years old and sexted with a married woman. She sent me a photo of her breasts twice. I felt so guilty and sick of myself and cut all contact with her. I am ashamed of what I did. My imaan wasn't that strong back then. I am a born muslim and I just remembred about it today. I think first time was one night in the holy month of Ramazan and second time later. What should I do? Will Allah Ta'ala forgive me for my shamefull sin?