Doubting the help of Allah Ta'ala

Q: Sometimes we are told to have patience and expect the help of Allah Ta'ala in times of difficulty. Examples are given of Ebrahim (alaihis salaam) as he was flung over the fire, or the help of Allah Ta'ala to Nuh (alaihis salaam) through the ark, etc. But there are also many cases where prophets themselves were killed, or good believers were killed, and so they were not saved by Allah Ta'ala.

How should we reconcile this, that we may sometimes encourage a person that Allah Ta'ala's help will come as long as you have yaqeen, yet there are many cases where prophets or believers with perfect yaqeen still were made shaheed. 

Husband refusing to issue talaaq

Q: I am a mother of 4 and have communicated with a Moulana that I would like my Talaq due to a toxic and unhealthy relationship. He refuses to give me talaq and I am now considering leaving. If I leave, how long does it take for an automatic talaq to be finalised and if not how may I, as a woman, go about giving him the talaq.

Marital problems


1. I am a 30 year old married woman. It is 7 years since I am married. There has been marriage issues between us. Now he decided to divorce me. We have a 5 year old daughter. But I dont like to get divorced as it is a major sin. If he does so, is there any sin on me?

2. Also, can you send a dua to me to avoid a divorce. I am very depressed.

Talaaq on WhatsApp

Q: I was recently married and have asked my husband for talaq because he is not providing for me and since I told him I'm pregnant he has not supported me or the baby, he is not with me cause he chose to walk out on us, he cannot provide a home or anything neither has he done anything as far as the pregnancy goes, I am doing this on my own but with support from my family. He did give me talaq but via watsapp, so I would like to know if the talaq is valid?