First wife requesting a divorce

Q: My first wife has said to me that if I go abroad to meet my second wife then I must give her (my first wife) divorce first. She is already living in a separate room from mine. She has had many outbursts before. The latest outburst came when she saw my passport. I have pleaded with and asked her in every way to be patient for the sake of the kids, but it seems that she does not see anyone besides herself. I have talked to her father but he has given up also and there is no one further I can ask to interfere and bring some kind of reconciliation between us. I do not want to divorce anyone.

Using a stone or baked brick for tayammum

Q: My mother is 70 years old...she is suffering from pollen allergy but the allergy is not restricted to only pollen months (feb-march-april)...The problem is the allergy continues through out the year. She is now even allergic to dust, water etc. The problem increases in winter as soon as she wakes up for fajar and does wudu. She starts coughing sneezing etc. and the same applies for all the prayers. Due to her age, when she coughs, some times urine drops leak out...then she has to go to washroom, do paaki, do wudu again and the problem increases further due to all this.. Again she has to do wudu and coughing etc. Her age does not permit to go through all this process again and again. So someone advised to do tayyamum especially for magrib and isha when she has the peak of allergy. My question is from where to get the paak soil for tayymum? We have a park in front of our home but many animals even pigs roam around there. We can't use that soil and the walls are all dust on them. What to do?

Marital problems

Q: I have two wives, my first wife is here with me and second wife is abroad. My first wife has not come to terms with my second marriage. Instead of paying attention to her house and children, she was always prying about what im sending to my second wife and when I contact her. I had many times told her, that do not think of that, it is not your concern. Just concentrate on home here and children. But she went on it on and off, resulting in irritating me. I started to leave the room when she started so that the matter should cool off, as per instruction of my mother. But the last time i did first wife followed me and misbehaved with me with strict words and i retaliated back. After that she has separated her room. I am being normal with her but she is persisting in her attitude, my mother has tried to tell her, this is not doing any good to home or children, but her answer is i have cut of all contact with him (me). I will just give him food etc. other than that i have no relation with him. I am not forcing or anything now. Just complying with whatever she is doing. Please advise

Restoring one's Imaan

Q: All my life I had been a Muslim but recently I began to watch videos on athiesm. At first I didn't believe them but now they have destroyed my iman. I begin to think why would Allah need to create humans and why does Allah not just show Himself? If humanity was created to perfection, why is there so much pain in the world and lastly why is there no clear proof. Please I want to restore my faith I feel so lost.