Future trading

Q: I want to ask if futures trading is halal in Commodity Market. In my country Pakistan, this is allowed. Also, to make it clear this kind of trading has no interest (riba) associated to it. Its a contract to buy the commodity in future by depositing an initial deposit. Please advice. I am a sunni Hanfi.

Paying interest

Q: I am a 26 year old man with a job in the I.T field alhumduallah. I am currently living with my family and they are making lots of plans to buy a building with interest. They have already found a building and are planning to move in and live there. I don't want to be apart of interest and i never imagined being in this situation. As the youngest brother(i have 3 older brothers) my opinion doesn't hold much weight in the family. They think i dont know anything. They would like me to help with the payments in order to pay the building off as quickly as possible. Will i be sinfil for helping them make payments and what is your opinion about living in a house in riba? I can take care of myself as i am financially stable. And my teacher also said i can live at his madrasa for free and he recommended me to ask you. The biggest problem i see is that if i move out it may mess my relationship up with the family. 

Women's clothing

Q: According to shariah, it is said that a woman should wear loose clothing. So, what type of dresses come under this title and what was the style of clothing worn by our Sahaabiyyas as I have heard that Ayesha radhiyallahu anha once liked a kurta which she later gave it in charity.

Property distribution during one's lifetime

Q: We are 10 siblings (5 brothers and 5 sisters). Our parents are both living alhamdulillah. One younger brother and two sisters are still unmarried. Our elder two brothers are already living apart and now the situation has arisen that we want to divide the property among all and let the younger brother and sisters get their share so that thy can construct something to live in... Kindly inform us how much share each brother and sister will get and our parents also... The property is worth around 1 crore rs.

Amaanat getting stolen

Q: A brother had left some boxes of stock at my premises and he requested me to deliver the stock to his suppliers since he wanted to return the stock to them. We attempted to deliver the stock back to his suppliers but was unsuccessful as the suppliers were not helpful and did not accept the delivery. The stock was then brought back and kept at my premises. All of this was told to the brother.

My premises has a main gate in the front which is always kept locked besides the time when there is a need to open and close the gate. After entering the premises through the main front gate, you have to pass through the yard to then enter the building which has another small gate that is locked in the nights. Most of the time in the day its left unlocked. As you enter the building there is a staircase that goes to the first and second floor. We reside on the first floor and the second floor is rented to Muslim tenants. His stock was kept on the ground floor underneath the stair case.

For a number of months more than a year I have always requested the brother to please arrange to collect his stock. Even sometimes he used to visit me but he never used to take his stock with him although I had asked him to. Recently he came to my premises to collect his stock and we found that the boxes were empty meaning someone must have stolen the contents inside of the box and left the empty boxes there. Where his stock was kept, I had also stored many of my own belongings and valuables and after we discovered his stock had gone missing, I started realising some of my things had also disappeared.

Now during all of this time, there were many people that has access the where the stock was stored such as workers, welders who worked at the premises, etc…

Please advise if I will be responsible in any way for this stock getting stolen. The brother did not ask me for any compensation for the stock but I just want to know in terms of Sharia whether there is any obligation from my side.

Serving parents

Q: I have lived a care free life. Taking everything for granted. I am 27 now. My parents are old now. I want to serve them as the best son in the whole but I have no clue what to do for a living and supporting them financially. Please pray for me and tell me a wazifa that Allah's helps descends on me.