Court issuing a divorce without the consent of the husband

Q: My wife was divorced from her ex Husband. When she filed the divorce in America, her ex husband left for Pakistan and he never showed up in the court or Islamically gave her divorce or signed any paper. But the court in America awarded her the divorce and then she got married to me. In Islam did her previous divorce happen. Because after 2 years from the court order she got married to me. So I need to know if our nikah was valid?

Premarital relationship

Q: Im in a relationship with someone and we want to marry each other as soon as possible but because of the halat we are not able to marry each other. My parents are against our relationship and his parents are fine with the relationship. I dont know what to do? I want him. I dont know how to make this relationship in to husband and wife? What should I do so that my parents can accept him and our relationship? What dua or wazifa should I do to get him? 

Breaking a vow


1. A condition for a vow is that it must be verbal and therefore if one cannot remember if he made a vow verbally or in his mind is it binding?

2. If I made a vow that I will give my first months wages from my new job to charity then I spend the money, is my vow broken and will Kaffarah be necessary? Or can I give the value of the first months wages another time in the future?

Taking care of one's aged mother


1. Please advise on the following matter.

A person was looked after by their grandmother from birth to until their grandmother died.At the age of 13 the person learnt that their mother did not want them at birth.The mother in the meantime married a Tamil man who after some time became muslim.The mother had another child and chose to look after the second child and felt uncomfortable around the first child.As time went on still staying with the second child who married a Christian lady and chose to be Christian the mother still stayed with child number 2. Many years after child number 1 married and migrate overseas due to being unemployed. Child number 1 benefited because the mother was working and had her house.As time went by child number 2 managed to transfer the house onto their name and now when the mother is old does not want to look after her.The mother on the other hand refuses to stay anywhere else as she has devoted her whole life to child number

2. What is the obligation of child number 1 as they reside overseas. Inshallah please advise on this important matter.

Next salaah time entering while one is performing salaah

Q: I am currently excused (chronic excuse) with regards to wudu due to bleeding. I know that my wudu breaks when the next prayer time comes in. However once or twice I took too long to pray and when I checked the time, I was a few minutes into the next prayer time. Are those prayers invalid? Would they be invalid if I wasn't excused with regards to wudu?