Using Zakaat money for a Musjid
Q: Can we use zakaat money for a musjid?
Q: Can we use zakaat money for a musjid?
Q: My husband has a younger brother who is little weak. My husband made a three story building from which one portion is given to him and my husband also provided a grocery shop to him where he is working. He got married 3 years ago and has a son of 2 years. His wife was also given gold during her marriage as a gift for around 120 grams. But my brother in law's source of income is very low. He can not fulfil his basic needs. My question is are they eligible for zakaat money because every year we give zakaat money around 2 lakhs so I think it's better to give to our close relatives because he earns around two to three thousand a month in a grocery shop?
Q: Can a mother give her son zakaat or sadaqah to help repay his debts?
Q: I have a garden patch on which I grow vegetables for my family and to sell. How do I work out the Zakaat on this?
Q: My daughter has received money as a gift. She is still a baby. I wish to take out sadaqah on her behalf for the building of a masjid. Will it be
permissable for me to use the money she has received as she cannot give consent?
Q: I seek some advice from you insha'Allah. My mother is ill and I wish to give some charity on her behalf with the intention of earning Allah's pleasure and asking Him to cure my mother through the blessings of this act. Is this fine? Also, does the charity fall under Sadaqah or Lillah? Do you advise a specific amount of which I should give in charity or will any amount within my means suffice?
Q: Islam believes that all children are born pure and in Islam and if they die before they attain puberty, they go to Jannah, even if they are born of not yet Muslim parents. This being so, are these children eligible to receive our Zakaah, Sadaqa ul Fitrah and Zakaah ul Fitrah money?
Q: An institution puts up its school fees making mention that in the case of a shortfall on the fees because of the increase they will have enough zakaat to cover that shortfall. Would this be permissible?
Q: In the Hadith it is mentioned about sadaqah jariyah. If I give money for a water pump to be made is that sadaqah jariyah? Also if I tell someone about deen and they practise it, is that sadaqah jariyah? Can you please give me some examples a layman could do for sadaqah jariyah?
Q: A person every year gave zakat in the month of Ramdhaan (up to 2011). Last year (in 2012) he gave zakat in the month of zulhijjah or Muharram. When will zakat be due for this year(2013)?