Various masaail of Nikaah

Woman taking a second husband

Q: Can a married woman whose age is 27 have a second marriage due to sex and economic necessity. She can't take a divorce as her husband is ill and they also have a 6 year old child. She has not had sexual relations with her husband for the last 3 years as her husband is incapable. So she is afraid of getting involved in zina. Can she take a second husband.

Man's "authority" over his wife

Q: When speaking of the qiwamah of a man over his wife (i.e. his “authority” over her), we need to realize that this is a burden and a responsibility, not an honour and favour. The man’s responsibility is not restricted to maintaining his wife financially, housing, feeding, etc. He is also responsible for looking after her emotional, spiritual and physical needs. Allah’s command is to treat wives kindly and on a footing of equity and what is acceptable. وعاشروهن. Al-qiwamah is in no way meant to turn the husband into some sort of dictator who thinks he is a master who orders and forbids and should be obeyed unrestrictedly. There are so many nuances to look at when we look at these issues. One such nuance is that Allah did not say that males are qawwam over women; rather, He said “men” are qawwam. This is something we need need to think about and ponder; for how many males are not really “men”.

Is this above writing correct? If I feel like for my husband's thinking attitude is harming my imaan, I often think bad of Islam that it favors men over women should I leave him?

Women attending a nikaah in the musjid

Q: My brother is having his nikaaah at a masjid in December. He is insistent that his future wife would like all the women to attend the nikaaah at the masjid. He says that there will be separate facilities and the women will be wearing masks as a hijaab. He wants hadith or a valid reason as to why women should not attend. He also says if Nabi (sallallahi alayhi wasallam) didn't forbid it then why are certain Ulama say its not permissible while other Ulama say it is correct to attent provided there is separation. He argues that my mother should attend and keep family ties.

Could Moulana please inform me from the hadith and teachings of our Nabi what would be the correct thing to do.

He says that he will not set foot in his mother's home if she refuses to attend his function at the masjid. 

The rights of spouses

Q: Is this right that that husbands have no right to demand their wives to carry out household chores, including cooking, cleaning, or any other domestic work?

Is this right that a mother has no obligation to nurse or breastfeed her baby? Can she demand payment to breastfeed their own child from his father?

A woman's fear of getting married

Q: I have a question about marriage, because currently from what I read, it seems that whenever I hear of the word marriage I also think of the word terror and fear. This is because generally fatwas mention so many hadiths about the serve punishments of the wife for every mistake or shortcoming she does. But they never mention any hadiths like the ones mentioned in the case of the wife of being punished, cursed or anything like that regardless of what he does to her.

I even once saw a fatwa about a woman who's husband broke her arm, and the only thing they said is regarding the permissibility of hitting the wife and then they were telling the wife to be obedient and not ask for a divorce. This made me so sad, because if it was the wife doing something much smaller they would have said so much about the punishments and would have told the husband to divorce her and find someone else.

Also, on the same website they always mention that unlike the wife who must sleep in the same ooom as the husband if he wants, the husband does not have to sleep in the same room and bed as the wife, even if she tells him she wnats them to be in the same room, unless he wants to and there is no seen for his refusal even if it is for no reason. Is this true?

Also, I always see things like the husband has the right to prevent the wife from studying, working, visiting her parents and friends even if he has no reason, just because he wants to. Does he actually have the right to not let her do these things for no reason and just because he wants her to be at home the whole time? Wouldn't this harm her emotionally because she is never allowed to go out? Is there a sin on him? Is he allowed to do whatever he wants with her?

Girl choosing to get married or study online

Q: A proposal has come for me but my parents are not calling them so that they can come to our home. They are waiting for their call. Meanwhile, they are signing me up for an online university. As I’m unmarried, I have alot of thoughts about marriage and I cannot stop thinking about it to the point that any mention of marriage makes me feel sad that I’m not part of this union with someone.

What should I pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) for? For the best solution, whether it is marriage or studying online, or should I beg Him for a good spouse?