
Consulting with one's elders and performing Istikhaarah

Q: I had made Istikhaarah for a certain matter and went to sleep. Upon awaking for Fajr Salaah today, my heart was very confused and indecisive. I thought that I will have to continue for several days.

After Ishraaq Salaah, I remained awake for an hour or so in Ibaadat, Tilaawat, zikr etc. Thereafter, I felt tired and slept for about two hours. When I woke up, my heart was very much inclined in a certain direction. I did not perform Salaatul Istikhaarah, read the dua, or do anything related to the Istikhaarah before this sleep. Nevertheless, should I consider this inclination?

Marital problem

Q: I wanted to ask a question on behalf of a friend. She is married for one and a half years and she has been having marriage problems. Her husband always abuses her. Also her in-laws treat her really badly and when she asked for divorce her husband said that he isn't going to give her divorce and that he did not want to marry her but now he is going to keep her in his nikaah and he wont free her. This friend was told by someone that she should pray surah Mumtahina 11 times daily for 11 days and after this her husband will divorce her himself. I wanted to ask for her is this true because my friend doesn't believe in this.

Trying one's best to return stolen items to the rightful owner

Q: A few years ago, I stole items from a persons car whilst we were on holiday at a certain resort for the fun of it. I am currently trying to right all my wrongs so my question is, what should I do with this item which I have stolen as it does hold some value of say approximately R500 and it is impossible to track who the owner of it is and return it to them.

Marital problem

Q: I'm really struggling. I need some answers. I got married when I was 18 and I am 24 now. My husband is from Pakistan. I'm from England and we have never had a sexual relationship and even though I'm married I'm still a virgin. I don't talk to my husband and he doesn't talk to me. Is my marriage nullified?

Being bashful and shy

Q: I have got 2 questions.

1. I want my height to be 6ft or 6ft 1inch but my height for the past two years is the same 5/7 and I am 17 years old. Please send me any wazifa for increasing my height.

2. Now this is a very serious issue for me. I am a grade 10 student and I am very very shy. When we discuss in our English lessons I don't participate and if the teacher asks me about my opinion, I sweat and blush and go red and my mind goes blank and then I mess up. Every time this happens. I can't ask a teacher a question. I can't confidently talk to a teacher or express myself. Now I emailed my question last time and they said that its good that you arr shy and didn't give me a clear answer and I don't want to be confident because of girls. I don't talk to any girls but even with boys I can't do anything confidently and often my teachers tell me to get rid of shyness. I hope you understand. Please send me any wazifa regarding this shyness issue.

Consulting one's parents with regards to nikaah

Q: My family want me to get married and there is a guy that I want to get married to and he wants to marry me. However , I am Indian and he is Bengali and I know in Islam parents are not allowed to say no based on culture. He told his family about me and his mum didn't accept because she is afraid we would not work out. I prayed Salaatul Istikharah and I was wondering if I should tell my family about him. Or by his mum saying no to me is that my answer and just move on?


Q: My question is regarding istekhara. I did Istekhara with the help of Qur'an in that I receive a translation (And I bestowed upon you love from Me that you would be brought up under My eye.) {tanslation of sorah taha end lines of ayat 38-39}. This istikhara is for separation from my husband because of some issue. So I just want to know what Allah Ta'ala said in that is this right for me to get separate or not? Kindly respond to me as soon as possible as I am very tensed.