Interest money
Q: For what purpose can we use interest from bank?
Q: For what purpose can we use interest from bank?
Q: Is it permissible to take out life insurance for goats in a stall-fed goat farm?
Q: My friend studied engineering by taking an education loan from the bank. He has to pay back interest also after getting a job. Is earning money through this qualification haraam?
Q: Please I am from Tunis. My son has a million in a bank so after 11 years he find "agios" "faida". I want to ask you if he can spend this money for his study?
Q: Is it in order to lend money to someone for example I say I will lend you R100 and you pay me back R150.
Q: Is bank interest in India acceptable for a Muslim?
Q: A person accrues R50 of haraam interest in his bank account. From his wallet, he gives R50 in cash to a poor person with the intention of disposing of this accumulated interest in his bank account. Has he disposed of the R50 interest, noting that the actual ‘interest R50’ is still in his bank account?
Q: I recently learnt that it is permissible for a Muslim to use interest money to pay fines, toll fees and vehicle licensing fees. Is this correct?
Q: The haraam of corruption is so deep routed into the system so much so no work can be achieved especially from government organisations without paying the ransom money [bribe]. This is demanded as a rule and even what is rightly due to us cannot be obtained without giving into to this zulm. Under these circumstances can one pay off this amount with interest money obtained from the banks instead of paying from our hard earned halaal sources?
Q: I am planning to buy a properly in UK. I have saving but it is far away from the amount the property cost. So I have to take a loan from the bank. I also tried with Islamic bank but their requirements are too high for me I do not match their requirements. So all is left is to get a mortgage from a non Muslim bank.
My question is: Is it still ok if I take loan from the bank if I have a property in India? It is actually a shop,and my father also left me a part of his property share that is £15000,- worth both are rented and my dependant are is getting the rent. So is it wise to sell the property (shop worth £25000,-)India and get less loan here? It would be £ 20000-30000 less RIBA base loan. Is it haram to keep the property in India and not sell it and on top get loan here? Or sell all in India, invest in UK property and get rid of more loan here because it is based on RIBA. Should I sell the property in India and send my family on a monthly Basis money? Because I am capable to send them money even if I had to sell everything there. What is wise or what is the right way to do in Islam. Or shall I just sell the shop and keep one property for them to get the rent from? Please guide I am really confused!