Credit transactions

Purchasing airtime advance

Q: Is it permissible to take out airtime advance with networks such as Vodacom and MTN?

Your account gets credited with airtime and you don't pay right away, but you are charged an extra service fee to get the airtime as you do not have to pay for it right away?

Carrying out a credit transaction without the presence of witnesses

Q: I am in business of steel and rubber trade in which I used to give material on credit without any witnesses. Recently I heard a speech of a scholar that Allah will not hear your prayers if you had given credit without any witness.

Is there any remedy to my situation and also does the material on credit and money givien on credit come under the same ruling?

Purchaser demanding more money when cancelling the sale

Q: We had a sale agreement for our property five years ago with a person for 8 million rupees. He paid 2 million rupees in advance, and he promised that he will settle the balance of 6 million rupees after 6 months and complete the registration. However, he was unable to arrange the remaining amount of 6 million rupees. Now we are planning to sell the property to some other person. Therefore, I need to return the 2 million rupees to the person, but since it's been 5 years, he is now demanding more money instead of 2 million rupees. Do we need to pay the extra money?

Early settlement discount

Q: We have an arrangement with our supplier to pay his account, 2.5% discount on the 30th following the month of our purchases. Is this shariah compliant? If not, please explain in detail how we can rectify this arrangement so that we still enjoy the benefit of the discount.