Removing facial hair during the first ten days of Zul Hijjah
Q: Is it necessary for women with excess facial hair to not remove them in the first ten days of zul hijjah until their qurbani has taken place?
Q: Is it necessary for women with excess facial hair to not remove them in the first ten days of zul hijjah until their qurbani has taken place?
Q: Is it haraam for a teenage boy to wear the fake crocodile tooth necklace made from wood, string and a really small piece of metal?
Q: I have a question regarding hairstyles of women.
1. What hairstyles does the shariah command us to make and what type of hairstyles to abstain from?
2. Is it compulsory for women to style their hair in such a way that the hair falls through the sides and the mid line of the scalp is seen?
3. Is their any punishment for not keeping the mid line of the front scalp shown?
Q: I am a woman and I bought black ankle socks in the men's section (the women's section in that shop did not have my size). Am I allowed to wear those socks? Or do I have to buy it from the women's section.
1. A child who has minute pubic hair and under his/her arm pits, is it compulsory to remove the hair?
2. In the above situation if the child is not mature will he/she be sinful for not removing the pubic and under the arm pits hair?
Q: Is there a sunnah method when cutting one's nails?
Q: Can women wear jewellery other than gold and silver?
Q: Please list the most favorite fragrance of Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
Q: Can Muslim women wear jeans at home? I live with my parents. Whenever I go out I usually wear an abbaya but at home I usually wear jeans with sometimes short shirts. Is this also considered imitating men? I mean there is alot of difference in men's and women's shirts.
So is wearing these kind of shirts with jeans at home also haraam? Many women nowadays wear jeans so is this also considered imitating men?
Q: Is it permissible for men to trim their hair a little bit on the sides only?