Women's Issues

Woman in haidh becoming clean on a plane

Q: I will be travelling from Jhb to Dubai and from Dubai to Madinah. When I depart I will be in the state of haidh but it will stop over the course of the journey.

1. If I realise that I am no longer in the state of haidh whilst on the plane and ghusl is not possible and salaah time will set in and pass while on the plane, what are my options?

2. If haidh ends and I cannot make ghusl, would I be considered to have been paak and if 78km away from Madina will qasr then apply to me? Or will I only be considered paak once ghusl is made upon landing and so full salaah applies?

Old lady going for umrah during iddat

Q: My grandmother has an umrah trip planned for end of March. But her husband passed away a few days ago (Feb 11). I am aware that iddat is for 4 months ten days but my grandma is 75 years old and I wanted to know if she is able to go to umrah and complete the remainder of her iddat when she gets back or is it not permissible for her to go? I was not aware if age makes a difference. 

Salaah for a woman who has a haidh habit of 4 days but bleeds for more than 10 days


1. A girl has a haidh habit of 4 days, but for the past year she has been bleeding for over ten days. Does she have to wait for the full ten days to be over and then make qadha of the 6 days salah, or can she start reading after the 4th day as she is sure that she is going to bleed for more than 10 days?

2. If she thinks her haidh is over after 7 days and makes ghusl and starts reading salah, and then sees blood again on the 9th day and it continues past the tenth day, will the salah she read from the 7th to the 10th day be counted or will she still have to make qadha of them?

Advising a girl not to go to university

Q: There is a cousin of mine that has completed her matric and plans on starting university... I spoke to her about the importance of studying Deen and that a woman's place is not out in the public... She says that she made istikhara and shes very sure that madressa isn't for her at this stage of her life...

She is a very stubborn person by nature and is dead set on going to university, I don't know what else to tell her.

Can Mufti Saheb please advise me on how to go about this... Should I just leave it or should I continue speaking to her (I feel like I'm pestering her)?