Practically demonstrating the postures of salaah during haidh
Q: Whilst teaching, is a woman in the state of haidh allowed to practically demonstrate the postures of salaah to other women? (i.e. go into ruku, sujood, etc)?
Q: Whilst teaching, is a woman in the state of haidh allowed to practically demonstrate the postures of salaah to other women? (i.e. go into ruku, sujood, etc)?
Q: May I please have advice on the following: I normally get my haidh after approx 23-26 days. It starts with heavy red bleeding. However, on sunday morning (the 15th) there was a lighter brown discharge. I did not count it as haidh and performed salaah for the whole day. On Sunday evening, there was a darker brown discharge that was a bit more in quantity, so I counted that as haidh. On Monday, Tuesday, and today, there is no dark brown discharge but a rather faint light brown. I have not been reading salaah etc. My haidh according to general would have only been due at the end of this weekend or so. This brown was on the 17th clean day which is unusual for me to get so early. I feel like these 3 days have been istihaadha. I am confused whether I should start reading salaah again and not count this, or must I still count this as haidh? When red bleeding starts in may be another few days time, would I count haidh days from this past sunday (15th) or from when the red bleeding starts? Is the light brown before red counted as haidh or not? One of my apas had said that you do not count the brown before the haidh but you count the brown when the haidh is ending. Is this correct?
Q: If a woman wants to go for hajj, and she is worried that she might get her haidh before or during hajj, what is the ruling for her in detail? Can hajj be done during those days? Should she go, not go? If it starts in the middle what should she do?
Q: Can you briefly explain to me the maslah of haidh according to Imaam Abu Yusuf (rahimahulah) pertaining to الطهر المتخلخل.
10 days according to Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) and 15 days according to Imaam Abu Yusuf (rahimahullah). Also, is fatwa given on Imaam Abu Yusuf (rahimahullah) or Imaam Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah)'s قول?
Q: I'm going to take my 3 year old son to learn swimming. I would like to know if it will be permissible for me to learn swimming if it is in the female area with normal decent dress and going fully covered?
Q: In iddat, can we change a rental house because of expenses?
Q: Is it permissible for a woman in her menses to stand outside the Musjid in Madinah Munawarah near the green dome within the gates (in the courtyard)?
Q: If a woman was in doubt whether her period started or not and she read Quraan Shareef, afterwards it was confirmed that her period had started, so should that portion of Quraan Shareef be recited after ghusl?
Q: Is it permissible for women to leave their homes in order to go to the shops and buy items?
Q: Can a woman become a doctor with the intention of helping and nursing other women in full hijaab? What if we run a shortage of female doctors?