Spending iddat in the husband's home
Q: Please tell me if a woman's husband has given her one talaaq, does she have the right to stay with her husband?
Q: Please tell me if a woman's husband has given her one talaaq, does she have the right to stay with her husband?
1. Is it permissible for a woman to sit in the passenger seat of a car which is being driven by a non mahram man?
2. Is it permissible for a woman to sit behind a non mahram man on a motorbike or bicycle?
3. Is it permissible for a non mahram man and a non mahram woman to sit next to each other?
Q: My husband gave me first talaaq in 2015 and after 2 months he took me back. Now he is saying he will give me second talaaq. I need to know when will my iddat period start?
Q: My father passed away a month ago. Can my mother use hair dye on her hair while she is in iddat?
Q: In an Islamic country, is it permissible for women to leave their homes in order to watch public executions and in order to watch all other types of public punishments?
Q: Muslim women are told that they should not leave their homes in order to work and that they are not allowed to interact freely with the opposite gender. Likewise, they are told that they should be obedient to their husbands. Does Islam not afford men and women equal rights, or are men superior to women in Islam?
Q: We have a second cousin who is 17 years old and autistic. When he visits us with his family, he often greets us with a hug.
1. Is it permissible for us females to greet him as such?
2. What should we do in this scenario?
1. Are the wrists and ankles part of a woman's awrah in front of non mahram men.
2. When a woman covers herself when leaving her home, is it forbidden for her to cover herself with colours which are bright? If it is forbidden then which colours will be regarded as bright?
3. Due to widespread sinning nowadays will it be prohibited for a woman to travel any distance without a mahram?
4. Is it permissible for a woman to cover her own hair in front of non mahram men by wearing a wig? If not then why?
5. When a woman covers her face in front of non mahram men, is it compulsory for her to cover her eyes by wearing a mesh fabric over her eyes or can she show both eyes or only one eye?
Q: What do I say to a non Muslim if they ask why has Allah ordered you to wear hijab and how come men don't if they don't understand that Allah orders us and we follow?
Q: Is it permissible to wear a half niqaab (forehead and eyebrows still show)? I see a lot of people wearing it this way and I’d like to know if this is correct.