Woman in haidh making esaal-e-thawaab
Q: What can I read in the state of haidh for my deceased brother? Which wazeefahs or duas are allowed?
Q: What can I read in the state of haidh for my deceased brother? Which wazeefahs or duas are allowed?
Q: If I saw bleeding on Saturday morning Fajr time, and again on Monday morning 8:00am... And bled nothing in between... Is it considered as haidh?
Q: I got a procedure of IUCD for contraception on July 1, 2019. It was important as per doctors instruction due to some medicines with which I cannot conceive at the moment. The gynaecologist said that in the start I will face some extra/heavy bleeding or irregular spotting due to this.
My previous routine of periods was 8 days except for Ramadhaan i.e. 9 days. My old dates for 2019 were
17 Jan - 25 Jan
12 Feb - 20 Feb
11 March - 19 March
7 April - 15 April
2 May - 11 May
30 May - 7 June
Important one (25 June - 5 July)
My questions are:
1. I took a bath after 10 days completion in my last cycle i.e 25 June to 5 July due to spotting as maximum days for periods are 10 days but still I got spotting for 3 more days. I offered my salaah and Quran. Was this calculation ok?
2. I started spotting again on 16 July but as per my last cycle, there wasn't a gap of 15 days in between two cycles. I am still having light spotting plus bleeding. I am offering salaah and Quraan with fresh wudhu everytime. Am I correct?
3. If in the last cycle I consider it to be 8 days then 25 June - 3 July then after 18 days of habit I must be having periods on 21 July, so what should I do? How would I calculate that either its istihaaza or periods?
Q: My father in law passed away recently. My mother in law is around 65 years old. I would like to bring her to Saudi Arabia from Pakistan so that her daughter, who is my wife can take care of her. The iddat period is 4 months 10 days. Can we break this iddat by paying kaffarah?
Q: With regards to haidh. My cycle is not set and changes almost all the time. I usually get 9/10 days of haidh and 15 clean days. During my clean days I have some days of pinkish discharge and/or blood and/or clear discharge with brown discharge.
My last haidh cycle I had bleeding for only 8 days. The 9th day was clean, no discharge. On the 10th day I got clear discharge with brown discharge just before my days of haidh ended. Will this be regarded as haidh or istihaaza?
Q: I wanted to ask if sitting in a car where the mother is driving the father (wife driving the husband) considered being in a place of sin? Thus one can’t sit in such a car?
Q: Is it waajib for women to wear a niqaab?
Q: When a woman is in her menses, can her husband touch or look at her body from the area between the navel and the knee?
Q: In sharia, is menstrual bleeding defined as blood that comes from the uterus, regardless of how it was caused? Because the contraceptive pill stops my body’s natural hormones and instead, the bleeding that occurs is caused by the medication and not by my body’s natural processes.
In both cases, the blood is from the uterus, but with the pill it is caused artifically, and without the pill it is caused naturally. So is the blood caused by taking the pill haidh or istihaada?
Q: If one has sexual intercourse during haidh, and the blood is red then 4.364g in gold has to be given. To who must this penalty be paid and under what (sadaqah)?