Women's Issues

Woman working during iddat

Q: I want to ask about khula. I have taken khula about 4 days ago. My husband lives in Australia and he is not with us for the last 16 months. I started working in December and I am in my probation period because of which I am not allowed to leave. If I leave the job then it will be difficult for me to get another job as I am a mother of a baby boy. This is my source of income so that I can pay for his school and other expenses in future. Kindly guide me according to my whole situation.

Irregular bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I have 1 daughter who is 6 years old. And now I had a miscarriage on Dec 16... The bleeding followed for 13 days; 10 days haidh and 3 days istihadha. Then it was done.

On January 9, I started bleeding again. I took ghusl after 6 days on 16 Jan. On Jan 7 everything was clear and I prayed all my salaahs and on Jan 18 I suddenly started bleeding again. I took ghusl for that on Jan 19.

On Jan 28 I started bleeding again. It was just for an afternoon... Then on Monday Jan 29 verything was clear...

Today, Jan 30 I started bleeding again..

How do I calculate the days of haidh and the days of istihadha? This is really confusing for me. I have never had irregular menses since buloogh and my aadat has always been 5 days only.

Female dishcarge

Q: Recently a sister contacted me regarding a very delicate masla, however i have no knowledge regarding the answer and therefore have forwarded it on to you. Please could you help me with the answer as the sister is very desperate and is fighting with her nafs.

There are 3 very embarrassing problems. Please forgive me but I have no other way of resolving them.

1. Firstly, I have a discharge problem which I have had for a long time. During the last month or two when I go to toilet and try to clean the discharge, I feel sometimes as though an orgasm has started. There is no way of knowing whether any impure fluid has come out because my normal discharge is still there. Do I need a gusl to purify myself or not?

2. Secondly, also recently started. I have had two orgasms while having a wet dream. I had a tissue in that area. On one occasion the tissue was dry but when I felt inside the private part it felt slightly wet. I could not tell whether this wetness was normal discharge or a small amount of impure fluid resulting from orgasm. On another occasion. After the orgasm the tissue was dry and it felt dry inside. Do I need gusl to purify myself in any of these situations? 

3. Thirdly, while performing fard gusl there is sometimes discharge or a small amount of urine during the gusl itself, not after. The discharge and/or urine does stop at times but no way of knowing how long it will take to stop and when it will start again. I find myself spending a very long time washing discharge or urine and repeating gusl sometimes again and again. Sometimes if not discharge it might be urine. Can I ignore these problems even though they do stop at times. Before gusl I wash the private part properly then start.

4. It would also be helpful to know what colour the impure fluid mani is in women. Some say yellow and thin with an odour similar to dough. Others say white and thick.

These problems are causing extreme stress n anxiety. Impossible to do ibadat because unsure whether pure or impure. How many times can I do gusl for how many things. Even gusl itself is problem. Making me emotionally and physically ill. Please help me.

Calculating the days of haidh


1. Sometimes women feel like discharge but she doent see it at that time. Later when she sees, it is red or blood and she is not sure that it was red discharge when she felt discharge or it could not have been discharge also, it could just be a feeling of discharge. So from when should she count her haidh days? (This is in the case of istehaaza)

2. I felt discharge before esha azaan, but i didnt see it. Later when I was getting ready to pray esha I saw blood on my clothes. I dont know the exact time, how many minutes were left for esha. From when should I count my haidh days to take ghusl? Because if I delay my ghusl then my maghrib salaah will become qaza. I have istihaaza.

Spotting after haidh


1. If a woman has a regular period habit of 7-8 days, and she, on the morning of the 7th day, cleans her private area, waits a bit, and sees dryness so assumes her period is over, then later on in the 7th or 8th day she sees spotting (red, brownish and sometimes yellow discharge). Is this menstruation?

2. Is it menstruation if I see this sort of spotting after the 8th day (last day of my habit)?

3. Do I have to make ghusl/pray between spottings? I tend to get spotting for a few days after my period ends and I would have to make ghusl 3-4 times back to back (sometimes on the same day) if it is considered menses because the spotting comes once and then it is dry again.

4. Lastly, I normally get yellow discharge throughout the month. Most of the time it starts before the 15-day period of purity is over(after the end of one menses) and lasts all the way to my next menses. This yellow discharge tends to intensify 6-10 days before the start of the actual menses/blood, which then lasts 7-8 days. Is this yellow discharge considered menses? If this yellow discharge is considered menses, then do I consider the last few days of the actual blood flow not menses? How long can a menstrual cycle last in the Hanafi Madhab? 

Wearing niqaab in a western country

Q: I have questions regarding the niqab. I know that it is worn widely in the Middle East. What about in the West, I live in North Carolina and I’ve been wanting to wear it but have been confused because some say you can’t and some say it’s not appropriate for the West. I just want some clarity on this especially if you are still in school, as in High School would this be appropriate?

Wearing a jilbaab

Q: Is it necessary to wear a jilbab (a garment that starts from the top of the head), or is it permissible to wear an abaya (with the same coverage but starts from shoulders) along with a hijab?


Q: I wore hijab two years ago and now I really want to take it off. I have been waiting for few months for that feeling to change and it's not changing. I pray and I read Quran but the environment is not helping me. A lot of people are mistreating me because of it and I feel people treat me through the hijab not for who I am. I have been searching a lot to understand why I must wear it but nothing convinced me.