Women's Issues

Using a tissue to check if one's haidh has ended


1. If a woman, to check the end of her period, cleans her private part, places a tissue there, waits 30 minutes, checks and sees no discharge - does this mean her period is over? Should she wait longer than 30 min before deciding?

2. Also at the beginning/middle of her period, does she have to make ghusl and pray during the times when blood is not flowing? For example, she sees blood at the beginning of her habit and realizes her period has started. Then she sees no blood for about half a day, then she sees blood again and the blood continues for days. During this half a day, is she considered to be on her period?

Doing iddat in one's own home

Q: A poor woman who works as a full-time caretaker of another woman had the death of her husband. In this situation, is it permissible to do iddat in the house where she works since she is the only one to support her children and if she goes to her own home for iddat, she will not have any source of income?

Some people are willing to help her financially for the period of iddat to do iddat at her own home. What will be the best in these circumstances? 

Doubting when haidh starts

Q: I was feeling that I might have got discharge. I did not see because most of the time I have this feeling. Later when I checked (after 1 or 2 hours) I saw blood on my clothes.

1. When should I start counting my haidh days; the time I saw the blood or when I felt the discharge (I am not sure whether I had really got the discharge and it could have been white or red also)?

Women covering their faces

Q: If the face of women and hands are not awrah then why is it compulsory to cover? Is it a major sin to show the face? You said in one answer that it is compulsory in this time of fitnah... Isn't it compulsory from the era of our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when the ayah came?