Woman applying oil to her hair during iddat
Q: Can a woman who has a habit of regularly applying coconut oil in her hair apply oil during her iddat period?
Q: Can a woman who has a habit of regularly applying coconut oil in her hair apply oil during her iddat period?
Q: For counting the days of haidh (the number of days of bleeding) should
- the number of days be counted like 5 days or 7 days
-or should the number of hours be counted like 60 hours or 72 hours etc.
This is for if a woman bleeds for more than 10 days... then should she take her previous haidh's days? How should those previous days be counted? In hours or days?
Q: I am a tuition teacher of 22 years old. I also maintain purdah. 7 months back I left a tuition because of intermingling. I told them about segragation and I told them to separate my room. They did but maybe they were not happy with me. My conversation was not so much with the male members of the family but I left just for the sake of purdah. They said to me that I cannot do anything in life with this purdah. With a heavy heart I left the tuition. Now I am teaching in my home totaly separate. Am I doing the right thing?
Q: I have a lot of irregular bleeding due to my implant... I usually bleed inbetween periods but I know when its haiz, but this time..
I bled for 6 days 19th-24 Thur for 12 days
Then bleeding since but had sexual intercourse on the 12th Nov thinking it was istihaada but I'm still bleeding to date... Will that be my haiz if so am I sinful? I am really worried..
Q: As a Muslim female holistic practioner, can one assist male patients with massaging, cupping and reflexology.
Q: I’m a college student and something has been bothering me lately. I study for all my exams and everything but I just can’t get good grades. I study almost everyday, I know everything in the exam it’s just that when I get the exam back I either failed or got a really low score. Also, there is always something that happens that end up making me depressed. I also pray to Allah to make everything better, I just wanted to know if there is anything that I should do to help me.
Q: Is it compulsory to compelete iddat after marriage? I was not living with my husband for 3 years and now I am getting divorced and for the three years we have never been intimate since we were not living together.
Q: My uncle passed away on the 5th of July 2017 at 12.45 am. When will my aunts iddat finish? Can you please give me the exact date & time? Jazak’Allah
Q: I didn't know that a mother can breastfeed her baby upto two years. I am feeding my baby boy till now and he is already 2 1/4 years. I have committed sin .What should I do?
Q: I recently had my 3rd baby and on the 25th day started prayers after taking ghusl as the bleeding had stopped. But on the 40th day the bleeding started and thinking that periods have started I stopped praying but the bleeding stopped by evening. I waited one day to confirm and when the bleeding didn't come took ghusl and started praying. But after 2 days again the bleeding started. This time also it stopped by evening. I have not yet taken ghusl as don't know what to do. Please let me know if it's nifaas or haiz or something else. And should I wait further or take ghusl and start praying? What about prayers missed?